Save money by using less energy

Most of the things we use every day — from toasters to hairdryers to computers — use electricity. It may seem like we have an endless energy supply now, but our resources will run out eventually.

The concept of energy conservation is to limit the amount of energy we consume. Using solar panels or windmills is the most environmentally friendly option, but sadly, it's not the cheapest.

We use a lot more electricity every day then we think we do. The average Canadian household consumes more than 100 gigajoules of electricity per year. To put that into perspective, the amount of energy represented by one gigajoule is equivalent to about 30 litres of gasoline, 39 litres of propane, 278 kilowatt-hours of electricity or 45.5 kilograms of coal, according to the website for Alberta's Ministry of Energy.

The consumption of energy is beginning to be taken for granted. If the temperature drops a few degrees, most people immediately turn up the heat in their home instead of putting on a sweater or using a blanket. We are becoming way too dependent on energy, and our supply is not endless. If we do not work harder to conserve energy, we will exhaust our supply soon.

By following a few simple tips, you can conserve energy and lower your bills.

Use fans or heaters. Instead of always blasting the air conditioning or heat, try using ceiling fans or portable heaters. These use a lot less energy because they are cooling or heating smaller areas, instead of your entire house. On windy days, open your windows wide and turn the AC off to cool your room and air it out.

Adjust your thermostat. If you have a programmable thermostat, adjust it so that your air conditioning isn't cooling your house when you're not home in the summer, and so that your heater isn't keeping your empty house toasty when you're at school in the winter. If you cannot program it, adjust it manually. Even shifting the thermostat a few degrees when you're sleeping will save energy.

Install insulation. Having a well-insulated house will help keep the heat or AC inside. Check for cracks in your foundation and make sure there is no way for air to get in or out.

Use energy smart appliances. Look for the Energy Star label when purchasing appliances. This symbol identifies appliances that meet or exceed premium levels of energy efficiency. An average home can save hundreds of dollars in natural gas and electrical costs every year with these appliances (but just because these can save energy does not mean you should use them more).

Use energy-efficient light bulbs. One of the simplest ways to save energy is to switch your light bulbs from incandescent to fluorescent. These bulbs use two-thirds less energy to power, and they last longer. Also, don't forget to turn the lights off when you are not in the room, and try to use as much natural lighting as possible.

Conserve water. If you can, switch your faucets and showerheads to low-flow nozzles that use less water. Fix leaky fixtures and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing dishes. Every drop of water you conserve is helpful.

Unplug electronics. Kitchen appliances, DVD players, TVs, game consoles, laundry room appliances — really, anything that lights up, even when it's not in use — all use energy even when they are turned off. To prevent wasting energy this way, unplug your appliances when you're not using them.

Change filters. You should change your furnace filters at least four times a year to keep them working to the best of their ability. If they are not clean, your furnace will need to work harder and run longer to heat your home.

Laundry. When doing laundry, try to only do full loads and use cold water. Most of the energy used to clean your clothes is used to heat the water.

Use the sun. Block the sun with blinds to prevent heat from getting into your home in the summer, and open the blinds in the winter to let the sunlight in to naturally heat your home.

If you follow these few simple tips, you will not only save money but reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce air pollution and save water. Even just by switching a few light bulbs, you will be conserving energy.