Turn Boring Spaces Beautiful: The college closet

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An organized closet is a key to a great start to the morning.

For many young women out there, one of the most important elements in our bedrooms is our closet. Our closets hold all of our prized possessions... well, for most of us, anyway! Unfortunately, being a student means we are not going to have the walk-in closet that every -young woman dreams of!

The college closet is usually a pretty small space, which can easily lead to a cluttered mess! We all know having a cluttered and unorganized closet can lead to a bad start every morning while trying to figure out an outfit for the day.

While I can't magically make your closet bigger, I can present some really helpful tips to maximize your closet space and help you turn your daily outfit selection into a wonderful and stress-free time!

First thing's first: hanging and organizing your clothes. The easiest way to be able to find what you need is to hang your clothes in a certain order. Start by clustering all different styles of shirts together. Start from one end of your closet and hang all your tank tops, then short sleeves to long sleeves, cardigans to blazers and then your sweaters. With this order, you will easily find what you are looking for. If you run out of space, the solution is simple: add an extra rod under your other clothes to give yourself more space.

Next are your scarves and belts. These are always tricky items to keep organized in your closet. The simplest way to keep these items all neat and tidy is to purchase hangers that are specifically meant for these items. These hangers are designed to keep your scarves and belts organized without taking up too much space!

The next most important item in your closet is your shoes. If you are like me, you may find that you have one too many pairs of shoes, and storing them in their boxes doesn't always work! Investing in a multi-level shoe rack is the one way to fit all shoes in your closet while still being organized!

Last but certainly not least, your purses. I have seen too many people pile their purses on the top shelf of their closet, creating a huge, messy mountain. I find the easiest way to keep them organized is to store them in totes. Using colourful, patterned fabric totes is a great to keep your closet organized while still looking trendy.

A small college closet doesn't have to turn your morning routine into a nightmare. Maximizing your closet with these simple tips will help you enjoy choosing your outfit every day!