Reel Views: Warm up to Warm Bodies

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Nicholas Hoult plays R in Warm Bodies.

Warm Bodies (2013)

Run! Look out! Don't stop moving! You're in the middle of the zombie apocalypse and a giant herd is approaching you. You know the drill: one bite or scratch and you'll become one of them. But wait. That one over there looks different. That one looks like he's... in love?!

It's no secret that zombies are the newest supernatural wave that's sweeping over Hollywood, but director Jonathan Levine is taking the trend in a whole new direction in his newest flick, Warm Bodies. A far cry from the usual “zombies are created, zombies attack, humanity is killed off” plot structure that your average zombie- infused flick follows, Warm Bodies takes a much more optimistic approach to the zombie plague.

R and M are zombies. They are also best friends. But R has a special talent: he can absorb the memories of the brains he eats. Naturally, when he eats the brain of pretty young Julie's boyfriend, R falls instantly in love with her. His heart even starts beating again. So begins an incredible series of events wherein R, M and many of their zombie friends begin to return to their former states of humanity. But don't worry, there are still scary, no-hope-of-recovery zombies and bitter humans who are still waging war on them.

Warm Bodies needs a certain type of cast to pull off the “zombies are really no big deal” type of movie with actors who can give the right amount of humour and nonchalance. They certainly did it right. The movies lead, R, is played by British actor Nicholas Hoult, who American fans will remember from X-Men First Class but who British fans have known and loved for a long time from the teenage drama Skins. Hoult not only gives a great performance as a zombie but he also has what the role calls for to slowly bring R back to humanity. It helps that he's also hilarious to watch on screen.

Playing R's best zombie friend M is none other than Rob Corddry, inarguably one of the funniest guys in Hollywood today. Corddry, as always, brings a witty, sarcastic sense of humour to his role and makes being a zombie look like a thoroughly enjoyable time.

Rounding out the cast as Julie, is Teresa Palmer. Palmer, an Australian actress, plays the role of Julie with just the right balance of funny, caring and yet still frightened of the zombie that's falling in love with her.

The best part about Warm Bodies isn't the fact that it's funny, or the fact that the cast is simply perfect for their roles, but is instead the fact that it is entirely hopeful. In every other zombie apocalypse situation, the story always seems to go the same way: humanity is doomed, there's no way to save us, they're going to kill us all. In Warm Bodies, there is redemption and salvation for mankind. That's what makes this flick so unusual and so entertaining.

Rating: 5 out of 5