Sweet Tweets of the Week

Fanshawe's School of Information Technology is now on twitter! /cc @FanshaweCollege

Stressing over the fact that I'm not at fanshawe and I really wanna be like wow that's unreal. #iloveschool #didireallyjustsaythat?

Hey @westernu and @FanshaweCollege students. Free Membership to Emerging Leaders. Check it out http://www.emergingleaders.ca @western_usc @fanshawesu

60 year old Marketing prof is a go hard hockey fan #winning #fanshawe

Nerd convention at funshawe. Ive seen way to many viking hats @ellenjoellis Greenday bumpin in the hallways #funshawe ?

Hey @DJDoubleDown, Thanks for rocking so hard people hair fell off! Hope you had as much fun with #maythefroshbewithyou as #fanshawe did!

DUB STEPPIN #funshawe

@Comedystuntshow you're show at #fanshawe #college was dope man had me laughing the whole time....

Fanshawe home to the coolest people ever

Shirt, notebook, pen, and silly putty? Thanks fanshawe

Comfiest dude at fanshawe right now #rootssweats #bigolsweater

lecture halls at fanshawe are nicer than lauriers!!! #justsayin #fanshawe

Fanshawe home to the coolest people ever

Justin Bieber was at fanshawe on Saturday and he ordered pizza from dominos, we have his cell number >:) be jealous all you freak beliebers