It's time to get outside, get social and get active with these twisted versions of popular sports and games. All of the events are free and don't require any sign up, you just have to show up.

Water Balloon Dodgeball - Res Event
SUB Courtyard
5:30 p.m. Monday, September 17
- Exactly what it sounds like: two teams, 500 water balloons, last man left standing wins
- If both teams run out of balloons, the team with the most players remaining wins

Soccer Baseball - Res Event
Baseball Field (Beside Merlin)
4 p.m. Tuesday, September 18
Just like you used to play in grade school, it's baseball played with your feet!

"Canoe" Race
SUB Courtyard
12 p.m. Wednesday, September 19
- Players "Paddle" a skateboard they're sitting on using only a plunger — first one to the finish line wins!

Mine Field
SUB Courtyard
12 p.m. Wednesday, September 19
- Water balloons will be scattered all over the ground as "mines"
- While blindfolded, players will have to manoeuvre across the field, following your teammates' instructions
- Step on a mine and you're toast!
- Step on a red mine for points

Angry Falcons - Res Event
Merlin Field (past the soccer field)
4 p.m. Wednesday, September 19
- Players face a castle built of foam blocks
- Using an oversize slingshot, players must launch balls at the castle in an attempt to knock it down
- The fewer shots required to topple the castle, the higher the score!

Capture the Flag-Tag
SUB Courtyard
12 p.m. Friday, September 21
- Just like grade school, there are two flags on either end of a playing field, and two jails
- If you get tagged on enemy territory, you go to jail
- Teammates can tag each other out of jail or make a run to capture the opponents' flag and bring it to their own side to end the game

Ultimate Frisbee - Res Event
Soccer Field
5 p.m. Friday, September 21
- Teams of 10 to 25 people
- Ref flips a coin for first throw
- Interceptions result in a change of possession
- If the frisbee touches the ground, possession changes
- Maximum of three steps before a player must throw the frisbee