Question of the Week

Do you think the Fleming riot will hurt your job hunt?

Caitlin Montpetit "Yes I do! I'm coming from a school with a bad reputation and I'm getting grouped together with these rioters. I don't even drink."
- Caitlin Montpetit
Sydney Bailey "It might because it made world news. It's all over the world, so it might affect our chances."
- Sydney Bailey
Brooke Hill "No, not at all. I don't think the question will come up in an interview. As soon as an employer meets me, they will know that I'm not a part of that group of people."
- Brooke Hill
Kristie Little "I'm a little worried about it. I graduate soon and I'm worried that employers will judge Fanshawe as a whole."
- Kristie Little
Scott Breivik "I'm not too worried, I already have a co-op and I graduate this year. It might future students. It definitely makes the school look bad."
- Scott Breivik