Being a goon ain't so bad

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Goon (2012)

Yes, Steve Stifler is back, baby! Woo!! Oh, wait, sorry — wrong movie. Seann William Scott is back to the silver screen and this time not playing is iconic role as Stifler from American Pie (although the newest installment in that franchise is coming soon). Instead he is playing Doug Glatt, a bouncer who is outcasted by his brainy family, who comes to realize his destiny of being a hockey fighter. Not a hockey player... a hockey fighter. He can't skate or shoot a puck, and he doesn't even know any of the rules of hockey. The one thing he can do is kick the snot out of anyone who stands in his way.

The movie Goon starts off with Doug and his close bud Ryan (Jay Baruchel) going to a local hockey game where Ryan, the big-mouth that he is, is talking trash to one of the hockey players in the penalty box. When the hockey player jumps over the box to attack Ryan, Doug steps in to knock the hockey player out. From that moment on, Doug is loved by the crowd and winds up playing for the local hockey team, eventually moving on to a higher division team. This is when the real story and meat of the film begins. Doug gains a major fan base for his intense and brutal ass-kicking abilities and ends up in a love/hate relationship with his teammates, more specifically the one he was sent to protect, French player Xavier Laflamme (Marc-Andre Grondin). Laflamme is the best player in the league until he's injured by Ross Rhea (Liev Schreiber) a veteran hockey fighter and king of the goons. The movie leads up to the ultimate hockey fight between Doug and Rhea, and let me tell you, it's not for those with a weak stomach.

Goon is a guys' flick, plain and simple. It's got hockey, fighting, blood, gore, boobs, swearing, drugs, alcohol and boobs. There is really not much more a dude like myself could ask for in a film… maybe a bit more boobs would be great, but you can't have it all. If you're looking for a serious movie produced by Martin Scorsese, well, you're not gonna find it here.

Scott does a wicked job and shows that nice guys can kick some ass too. Oh and did I mention Eugene Levy's guest appearance as Doug's father? Yeah, that's right.

If you're a dude reading this and want to know what movie to go check out with the boys after a couple brews on a Tuesday night, then Goon has got you covered. And leave the girlfriends at home for this one.

Rating: 3 out of 5