Health, Body and Fitness: Fitness foods

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What you eat before your workout is just as important as what you eat after. Although exercise is important, many of us forget that a proper diet contributes about 85 per cent to our overall health and wellness. Recently, Women's Health magazine released its ultimate foods for boosting your workouts and overall health. Here are the top five foods to boost your workout today. Don't forget — you are what you eat!

1. Bagels: Simple carbohydrates are found in foods such as fruit and milk, while complex carbohydrates are also known as starches and are found in grains such as bagels. A whole-grain bagel is an ideal pre-workout choice: you'll digest it slowly because of the fibre, which will help your body to maintain a steady flow of energy over time as you work out.

2. Bananas: Bananas contain potassium, which helps to support your muscles as you work out. Studies show that potassium is needed to replace sweat loss and helps with fluid absorption. Bananas are also an important source of energy: one medium-size banana has 400 milligrams of potassium and as many carbohydrates (29 grams) as two slices of whole-wheat bread.

3. Berries: Researchers recently placed fresh berries on their list of the 20 foods richest in antioxidants. Just a handful of blueberries, raspberries or blackberries are an excellent source of these potent nutrients, which protect muscles from any damage that may be caused by exercising. When shopping for berries, keep in mind that the more intense the color, the healthier the fruit.

4. Carrots: Carrots are an energy source that fuels your muscles, and they pack potassium to control blood pressure and muscle contractions. Half a cup has just 35 calories and will be an excellent source of energy and nutrition both before and after your workout. They are good for more than just your eyes, after all!

5. Whole Grain Cereal: The healthiest brands of cereal contain endurance-boosting complex carbohydrates and muscle-building protein. Women's Health recommends fueling up with a 200-calorie snack 60 minutes before a workout, such as three-quarters of a cup of whole-grain cereal with four ounces of fat-free milk. Eating before exercising will not only give you the energy you need to have a great workout, but you will be less likely to overeat afterward. Popular favourites include Vector and Müslix.

When it comes to your body, don't forget that diet and exercise go hand-in-hand.