Excitement for Relay heating up

A lot has changed since the last Relay For Life article was published a few weeks ago — plans are being made and confirmed, events are being organized and the goal has increased six fold.

Relay For Life is a fundraising event for the Canadian Cancer Society. According to the Canadian Cancer Society's website, "Relay is fun, fulfilling and your participation gives strength to our mission to eradicate cancer."

The original goal for Fanshawe's first-ever Relay was $2,000, but after meeting with Laurie McKnight, Relay For Life Youth Program Coordinator for Western Ontario, the organizers of the event realized they should aim a little higher.

"We are expecting $1,000 per team. There's a $10 registration fee, and (each team member is expected to) raise $100," said Adam Gourlay, the Fanshawe Student Union's VP of Athletics and Residence Life, who is organizing the Relay on campus. "We are hoping to get somewhere around 15 teams, but we want more." The committee hopes to raise $12,000 for Relay For Life. "I'm shooting high. I have the complete support of everyone on the committee."

Though the team of 21 committee members, including Gourlay, is still working out some of the finer points of the event, they have finalized some aspects. There will be a few smaller fundraisers — likely including selling jelly bracelets to support the Canadian Cancer Society and a Cover Up Cancer wall — before the big relay, which will take place from March 24 at 7 p.m. to March 25 at 7 a.m. The organizers know it will be somewhere indoors on campus, but that detail still needs to be worked out.

Gourlay said he wants to have luminaries on campus as part of the event. "It's the most emotional part of the Relay," he explained. "(It's done) to represent someone who's fighting or had fought cancer." In many Relays, the track is lit up with candles, beside which participants put pictures of their loved ones who have battled cancer. "It's a big tradition," said Gourlay. In Fanshawe's Relay, the team is looking at using Christmas lights or another alternative, or potentially holding a balloon release.

Gourlay and his hardworking team of organizers are still looking for volunteers to help out with various events and with Relay For Life itself. Contact Gourlay if you're interested in helping out at fsuathletics@fanshawec.ca. To learn more about Relay For Life, visit relay.cancer.ca.