5 Questions with Jason King, SAC rep for Building Technology

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1. What's one thing we should know about you and one thing we shouldn't?
Most people who know me know that I love to travel. I've been lucky enough to see some very cool things in some very interesting places. Something that you shouldn't know... um... the trips are really just scouting missions for a world domination plan. Damn, I've said too much.

2. What has been your best memory at fanshawe so far?
That's easy since it is so recent. I was able to be part of the build team for First Light, which was a project from Victoria University of New Zealand. We helped people build a house entered into the US Depar tment of Energy Solar Decathlon, which placed third overall in the competition. It was a great experience.

3. if someone forced you to get a tattoo, what would it be and why?
I would get the Chinese symbol for 'Junk' tattooed above my junk. It could be the start of a 'whole body labeling system.'

4. Put your mp3 player on shuffle - what three songs come up?
iPod? I'm old school. I was born when 8-tracks were cool, and an 8-track don't shuffle.

5. What's the last book you read?
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. Yup, I'm a geek.