Judge the (hand)book by its cover
This is your chance to get your
artwork on the cover of the
2011/2012 Fanshawe Student
Handbook with the Fanshawe
Student Union's annual Handbook
cover contest.
Take advantage of this incredible chance to have your work printed and distributed to thousands of students. "This is a good opportunity for students to get their work printed, build their portfolios, and gain exposure both at Fanshawe and in London," said Darby Mousseau, creative director at the FSU publications office.
The first prize is a $200 gift certificate and the opportunity for your work to be printed on over 16,000 books and distributed to Fanshawe students. Second prize is a $50 gift certificate.
Submission forms can be picked up in the FSU office in SC2001 or online. Visit www.fsu.ca/handbook.asp for more details and art specifications.
The deadline is Friday, March 25. Students can submit their work in the FSU office on the second floor of the Student Union Centre.
For more info, contact Darby Mousseau in SC1012 or at dmousseau@fanshawec.ca.
Take advantage of this incredible chance to have your work printed and distributed to thousands of students. "This is a good opportunity for students to get their work printed, build their portfolios, and gain exposure both at Fanshawe and in London," said Darby Mousseau, creative director at the FSU publications office.
The first prize is a $200 gift certificate and the opportunity for your work to be printed on over 16,000 books and distributed to Fanshawe students. Second prize is a $50 gift certificate.
Submission forms can be picked up in the FSU office in SC2001 or online. Visit www.fsu.ca/handbook.asp for more details and art specifications.
The deadline is Friday, March 25. Students can submit their work in the FSU office on the second floor of the Student Union Centre.
For more info, contact Darby Mousseau in SC1012 or at dmousseau@fanshawec.ca.