5 Questions - Sara Varley, FSU Advertising Coordinator

1. What's your perfect day like?
"A perfect day would be being able to sleep in past 6 a.m. (my daughter gets up early!!), going out for breakfast at a diner and then spending the day with my family."
2. What's something weird that's happened to you since you joined the FSU?
"Random weird things happen all the time — I can't think of just one. That's why working at the FSU is fun and entertaining!"
3. What has been your best memory at Fanshawe so far?
"Going to college here and then becoming an employee at the FSU!"
4. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
"My daughter. It would be fun to be a kid again for a day."
5. What's one thing we should know about you and one thing we shouldn't know about you?
"I love red wine and the other you will have to find out."