5 Questions with Laya Birtch, FSU Administrative Assistant

1. What's your favourite word and why?
"Legendary. For Example: It will be legen - wait for it - and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is dairy! I think why I like this word is obvious."
2. What's one thing we should know about you and one thing we shouldn't know?
"I'm Team Edward. I don't like sharing pens with other people (maybe that's something that you should know)."
3. What's something weird that's happened to you since you joined the FSU?
"One year I got fuzzy pink boots from a co-worker for Christmas… they were used. He thought he was hilarious...but he wasn't."
4. If someone put a gun to your head and forced you to get a tattoo what would it be of and why?
"A tattoo of someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to get a tattoo...I think it's pretty self-explanatory."
5. What's your favourite simple recipe?
"1 oz rye
Diet Coke
1 lime wedge
Stir and enjoy!"