10 Things I Know About You...Harvey-Smith ink stained?

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David Harvey-Smith is in his first year of laboratory technology at Fanshawe. Self-described as "weird," he likes writing stories, playing video games and listening to heavy metal. He tends to avoid sports, unless hackysack is considered one.

1. Why are you here?
I am at Fanshawe to have the whole college experience and (use it) as a gateway into university.

2. What was your life-changing moment?
When I read the book series The Demonata by Darren Shan. It inspired me to write and now I'm writing a series of my own.

3. What music are you currently listening to?
Sonata Arctica - a heavy metal band from Finland. Even though most of their songs are about sad and non-happy topics, almost everyone can relate to at least one of their songs.

4. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
"Live life, don't let life live you" - Steve

5. Who is your role model?
At the moment, I would have to say Tony Kakko, the vocalist of Sonata Arctica, mainly for his lyrics.

6. Where in the world have you traveled?
I haven't really been that far, out to Vancouver, B.C., and down to Tucson, Arizona.

7. What was your first job?
My first job, which it still is, was at Gary's No Frills on Baseline Road and Wharncliffe Road in the grocery department.

8. What would your last meal be?
It would have to be an all-you-caneat seafood buffet.

9. What makes you uneasy?
The three things that make me uneasy are being surrounded by people that I don't know, public speaking and talking one-on-one to someone that I don't know.

10. What is your passion?
I would have to say writing. With the right creative thinking you can write a small story from just one topic, but if you add in your childhood imagination, you could take that idea and make a whole new world, and then describe that world to the public.

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