Ten fashion faux pas made by men

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Most fashion columns are focused on the "how to" and "dos" to keep the articles with a positive feel, but once in a while it is good to point out the fashion "don'ts" and faux pas. Here are 10 fashion sins that are constantly committed by men, whether they are knowingly made or not.

1. Overly baggy pants. The most common mistake made by men is wearing pants that are extremely baggy, to the point where they can barely stay on the body. When the waist line of your pants hangs below your buttocks, it is an immediate sign that it is time to invest in either a belt or a new pair of pants. 2. Too many colours. When wearing more than four colours on your outfit, you are going to attract a lot of attention — but not the kind of attention that is going to get you a date. An outfit should consist of no more than three complimentary colours because if there are too many colours or colours that clash, it usually creates a clownish appearance.

3. Too many patterns. Men sometimes wear clothes with opposing patterns (pinstriped pants with horizontally striped shirt) or just too many patterns in general. An outfit should consist of no more than three patterns that complement each other, but it always looks best when one pattern is complemented by a solid colour.

4. Busy t-shirts. Shirts with entire scenes on them or overly garish logos may have been "cool" when you were eight, but it's time to lose the boisterous apparel and find more mature clothing. When trying to look appealing and professional, sometimes simple is better.

5. Novelty shirts. Shirts such as the infamous camouflaged "You can't see me," tee are unfortunately often seen in public. Shirts with goofy slogans or sayings on them may be fun for a moment, but should never be considered part of your wardrobe. Novelty shirts are best kept at parties or even better, back at the retailer.

6. Socks with sandals. The name says it all and should probably signal a giant red flag as the worst fashion crime to commit. If you want to wear socks in the summer and still take advantage of the warm weather, wear ankle socks with low-cut sneakers.

7. White socks with black shoes. This is one of the most noticeable faux pas because once your pant leg is lifted up, everyone's attention is completely drawn to your socks and shoes. Unless you are going for the Michael Jackson look, it is best to keep the socks and shoes in similar shades.

8. Over-stressed pants. The shredded look is out. A few rips in jeans can create a "bad boy" look, but when the pants are just covered in rips and tears, it creates nothing more than a homeless man's pair of pants.

9. Cell phone clip. A cell phone clipped to the pants can instantly kill an outfit and bring the sex appeal down to a zero immediately. An alternative: pockets - they were created for a reason.

10. Themed ties. A tie should not be a conversation piece and should usually be a solid colour or striped. Sometimes paisley is acceptable. Any themed ties will take away from the suit and could potentially make a joke out of the wearer.