Question of the Week

What do you think of the new drinking and driving consequences for young and novice drivers?
Adrian Van Raay   "I think it's fair. It will bring down the accident rates, I mean I drive but I don't drink. It's something that's common sense, really. So I think its a good thing, though I even know a few people who will drink and drive and hopefully this will stop them from doing that again now that the consequences are harsher."
- Adrian Van Raay
Andrew Tiahnybok   "I think it's a good idea, I mean it's the law, you can't drink and drive. I think there is a little bit of age discrimination in there, but then again, a lot of college and university students drink so it makes sense."
- Andrew Tiahnybok
Craig Moore   "I actually think people who drink and drive shouldn't even get their licences back. I really think that people who drink and drive shouldn't even be complaining about the consequences."
- Craig Moore
Rachael White   "I think it's fair, but I don't think it's to fair for someone that is over 19, because I think when you're over 19 you should know better that drinking and driving don't mix."
- Rachael White
Roberto Blackwood   "I think it's good to have zero tolerance for this kind of thing. People die because of it. I personally think that you should have zero alcohol in you when you drive, I don't think the consequences are very strict but it will help."
- Roberto Blackwood