Question of the Week

What do you do to get yourself out of bed and over to class in the morning?

Andrew Jackson   "Well a shower normally does the job, and maybe have a smoke as well. I normally don’t eat breakfast either and I’m only a little late for class sometimes."
- Andrew Jackson
Eric Kehoe   "A nice shower and coffee really wakes me up in the morning, but then again my classes start around 9 or 10 in the morning so its not to bad."
- Eric Kehoe
Farah Jama   "I set up 2 alarms to go off at the same time so I have to get up and shut them both off. I actually get up around 6am, its a good thing that I’m a morning person that helps. Though last year I had to wake up even earlier like around 4am because I worked in the deli here."
- Farah Jama
Lisa Cowan   "Tim Horton’s, a cup of coffee really helps, I’m not sure I would even be awake for my classes if we didn’t have a Tim Horton’s at school."
- Lisa Cowan
Stephanie Laura   "I force myself to wake up the morning, I just tell myself to get up, I turn on the lights and just get up. Though it doesn’t always work I do end up hitting snooze every now and then, but I’m rarely late for class and when I am its because I missed the bus not because I slept in."
- Stephanie Laura