DVD Review: Final (?) Star Wars is “one hell of a ride!”

I'm kind of sad because this is the last Star Wars movie ever to be released (or at least that's what we're lead to believe.) I grew up watching these and was actually lucky enough as a kid to be able to have experienced Return of the Jedi in the theatres. I envy those born before me who got to witness the magic of the other movies for the first time in the theatre.

After the disappointing Episode 1 (which still had some cool parts like Darth Maul) and the better-received sequel, Episode 2 (which I thought was quite excellent, minus the whole love plot) my expectations were high going into Episode 3. Personally, I really enjoyed the movie and thought it was the best of the prequels. People can argue all day on the Net and mark out as classic Trilogy lovers, but I really, really loved this show.

Yeah, you can say right away that Hayden Christensen's acting is still not as good as it could be or that they didn't need to have Darth Vader yell, “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” near the end of the movie, but these are small complaints in comparison to how good the movie is overall.

I'm not going into the plot because most of you have probably already experienced this movie in the theatres or you don't like Star Wars and you're probably passing on this review all together. All I can say is that it wraps up most of the loose ends nicely (minus who the hell Master Sipho Dias (sp) is) and is an excellent lead into the classic movies.

The DVD is most definitely worth buying and I really shouldn't be writing this because those Star Wars nerds like me probably have picked this up already. I guess I'm writing this for all you people who have burned copies and figure that their copy is good enough. I had a burned copy as well (thanks to someone I used to work with) and although it was good, you can't match the picture and sound quality that comes from a store bought disc.

The extras are really worth watching on this DVD (just like all the others). “The Chosen One” featurette is decent but really doesn't give any information that us fans don't already know. You should spend your time watching the 15-part web documentary that chronicles the making of the film because the insider look into making this movie is quite fascinating.

The deleted scenes from the other movies were a treat to watch and there are two on here that are spectacular (like Yoda's exile to Dahgoba), but three of the deleted scenes have to do with Padme's story involving the Rebellion. They would have been a bore in the movie and they're a bore as a bonus deleted scenes.

$20 isn't a lot to part with to have your own copy of the last of the prequels. Say all you want about Lucas and the craziness of the other prequels, just sit down and enjoy this movie for what it is: one hell of a ride!