The truth behind Rock, Paper, Scissors

1.What is Rock, Paper Scissors?
Rock, Paper, Scissors is the world's most popular decision-making method.

2. How do you play Rock Paper Scissors?
If you are unaware of this process, do not even consider trying to win $150 by entering Fanshawe's RPS Tournament in Forwell Hall, Wednesday, November 16 between Noon and 1:00 pm. Open for full-time Fanshawe students only!

3. Who invented RPS?
This is a very difficult question. Every culture seems to lay claim in one way or another to having first invented RPS. We know that Scissors were invented 500 years ago in Italy, but some say that the throw evolved from “blade” which would pre-date scissors by a significant margin.

4. Does Rock crush Scissors or is Scissors dulled by Rock?

Younger and aggressive (or American) players tend to favour the Rock crushing Scissors view. More liberal-minded players take the view that scissors are dulled by the Rock.

5. Why does paper cover rock?
While not exactly intuitive, the symbolic meaning of paper covering a rock dates back to ancient Chinese culture. When a petition was made to the Emperor, the petition was signified by a rock. The Emperor would have his servants place a sheaf of paper either over or under the rock. If the sheaf was placed under the rock it would signify acceptance of the petition. If the sheaf was placed on top of the rock it signified denial of the petition. The symbolic image of paper covering a rock became synonymous with defeat.

6. What is “the zone”?
The zone is a term developed by RPS players to describe the exhilarating feeling of being at one with the game and knowing your opponent's next several moves. It is similar to what Buddhists refer to as “Nirvana” which doesn't smell like teen spirit.

7. Is RPS a game of chance?
No. The true beauty becomes clear when advanced strategies are employed. Students may want to take a chance to win over $200 prize money by entering Fanshawe's RPS Tournament. Entry fee is one loonie, registration begins at 11:30 am in Forwell Hall.