Man in costume scores chicks on the beach, wins $5,000 bet

When Charles Brown made a bet with his friends during summer vacation, he didn't really think he'd win. After all, no girls he knew were slutty enough to give it up to a stranger in a silly costume. But he acepted the virtually impossible $5,000 bet in hopes of making enough money to get a nose job.

Since his attempts at home were leading nowhere, Brown bought a plane ticket to Miami Beach, Florida and booked a hotel room on the beach, hoping to run into some drunken high school girls on summer vacation at the popular party resort.

“I could not have imagined or hoped that this trip would turn out as well as it did,” Brown said in a recent interview with the Florida Daily.

“No matter how stupid you look, or what sort of stupid costume you're wearing, the girls here will sleep with you if you buy them enough drinks.”

Brown is still shocked that the scheme worked, and that he won the lofty bet with his college poker friends. He is skeptical that they will ever pay up, but if they do he will use the oney he won to pay off his plane ticket and hotel in Miami, and reimburse his school loan for the money he used buying the young girls drinks.

“I probably spend close to $4,000 while I was there, you know, to get the girls liquered up and willing to do me.”

While some of the girls he apporached were apprehensive at first about the costume, most thought it was deslghtfully kinky, and were more than willing to sleep with him.

“Some of them didn't even want me to buy them anything, they just wanted me to leave the mask on. I was like, whatever you want!”

Brown added that when he is finished college, he plans on moving to Miami Beach in hopes of meeting a nice girl that doesn't want him to call her the next day.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is unintentional and entirely hilarious.