We Thank You
We thank you for your bravery young soldiers
When frighten you stood and faced your enemies
We thank you for your bravery young soldiers
When you fought with nothing in your bellies
We thank you for your bravery young soldiers
When wounded you lost no hope
We thank you for your bravery young soldiers
When you grieved for your loved ones but kept on going
We thank you for your bravery young soldiers
When you allowed us to feel safe in our homes
We thank you for your bravery young soldiers
When you gave your lives for the people
Who could never repay you for giving the greatest gift
Our freedom

He fought
He sat upon his white horse
Riding so angelic like
His young face was covered in scars
He possessed a body of a man not of his age
His eyes of wild green spoke of sadness
His sword was covered with his enemies blood
He fought for his land
Yet how I wished he had fought for love, for my love

Farewell Knight
I bid thee a farewell knight of my heart
With a kiss upon thy brow to keep thee safe always
I bid thee a farewell knight of my heart
With my sword near thy breast beating gently
I bid thee a farewell knight of my heart
With a song of my soul singing thy farewell