Fun and Fitness: Fitness assessments provide a baseline

Many of you who are a few weeks young into your new year fitness resolutions are probably wondering the same thing; “where do I stand right now in overall fitness?” Many of us aren't aware of our preliminary strengths and weaknesses. However, we get a general idea of our body's improvements as we progress. We're often inclined to measure our initial fitness in order to compare how much we've gained and improved. Doing so can be difficult but fortunately, Fitness 101 has the answer.

Fanshawe's Fitness Centre provides fitness assessments for any interested members. The assessment measures musculoskeletal and aerobic fitness. The entire protocol is governed by the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology. Rest assured, only certified personal trainers are able to administer the test. The test itself involves several protocols in order to evaluate total body fitness.

After going through the mandatory screening process, we begin by taking the client's resting heart rate and blood pressure. Following this, we use skin fold callipers to measure body fat from several body locations. This enables us to evaluate fat deposits and any risks of cardiovascular diseases. We than proceed to the Modified Canadian Aerobic Fitness Test which is a step test procedure. This test measures a persons capacity to deliver oxygenated blood to the working muscles. We than retake your blood pressure and heart rate to see how well your body recovers from strenuous exercise.

Following the aerobic test comes the musculoskeletal tests. They include grip strength, push ups, sit ups, flexibility, vertical jump and back extension. The results of these tests allow for an evaluation of power output, muscular endurance, flexibility, lower back strength and leg power. You than have a well rounded fitness assessment score which maps out individual strengths and weaknesses based on gender and age. Following months of physical activity, you may feel inclined to have another assessment done to see how well you've progressed.

So if you are interested in having your own fitness “blueprint”, feel free to drop by our customer service desk to discuss appointments and pricing. After all, we all have to start somewhere but it's a heck of a lot nicer knowing where we are exactly starting from.