F.A.T.S. Knows
One of the criteria used by OSAP to determine your eligibility is your course load. To be eligible for assistance through OSAP you must be taking at least 60 per cent of a full course load (or 40 per cent if you are a student with a documented permanent disability). This criterion applies all through your period of study. If at any time your course load falls below 60 per cent, you cease to be eligible for OSAP assistance. Another consequence of falling below 60 per cent of a full course load is that you lose your interest free status on any previously negotiated student loans.
For OSAP purposes, a course load at Fanshawe College is calculated by the number of course hours per week of study. For example, if a full course load (100 per cent) is 25 hours per week, a 60 per cent course load is 15 hours per week. For students with a documented permanent disability, the standard is successful completion of at least 40 per cent course load. For example, if a full course load (100 per cent) is 25 hours per week, a 40 per cent course load is 10 hours per week.
For OSAP purposes, no averaging of course load is permitted. For example, if you are taking 80 per cent of a full course load in the fall term, and 40 per cent of a full-course load in the winter term, the course loads cannot be averaged to equal 60 per cent to meet the minimum requirement. In this scenario, you would not be eligible for OSAP assistance in the winter term.
It is imperative that you discuss any proposed change in your course load with a Financial Aid Officer to maintain your OSAP eligibility. Financial Aid Office is in E2020, or telephone 519.452.4280.
And the final word on Graduation …
We told you last week we'd tell you about your graduation ceremony.
1. Between 9:55 and 9:58 a.m., for the morning, or between 1:55 and 1:58 p.m., for the afternoon, the procession to J1/2 begins. The live coverage on http://www.fanshawec.ca/EN/Broadcasting_Properties/stellar.asp starts at 10 a.m. or at 2 p.m. Tell your family to watch you, live! You and the other graduates will move in order to J1/2, and you'll be seated in the order your name is in the graduation program, that is, by division, then program name, then student name.
2. After the speeches, Janice Lamoureux, the Registrar, will invite the first group of grads to come forward, and the ushers and the Head Marshal will guide them to the stairs. As the grads cross the stage, the ushers bring more grads forward.
3. When it's your turn, go up the stairs and hand your orator card to the Registrar. The orator reads your name, and then you walk across the stage to the other side. A platform party member will put a scarf around your neck and shake your hand. A second platform party member will shake your hand. Your guests will likely take your picture while this is going on. Go down the stairs. You can stop for a moment to have your picture taken, if you like, and then the ushers will show you back to your seat.
4. The ceremony will take about an hour and a half. Once the ceremony is over, you'll leave the gym in order and be directed back up the hall toward J3. You can take your gown and scarf back then, and get your credential, or you can hold onto your gown for a half-hour or so and get pictures taken. After you return your gown, join your guests at the reception in Forwell Hall.
If you have questions, call the Graduation Office at 519.452.4123, or email graduation@fanshawec.ca, or check the website at www.fanshawec.ca/graduation.
We look forward to congratulating you at your graduation ceremony!
Important Dates
Note! Fanshawe College programs each fall under one of three academic calendars — 15-week, 16-week, and 18-week semesters. Make sure you know where your program fits! If you aren't sure, talk to the helpful folks in your Academic Office.
Mid-term grades will be available on WebAdvisor (15-wk, 16-wk, or 18-wk semesters) — Oct 17, Oct 24, Oct 31.
Second release of OSAP for Fall 2008 (15-wk, 16-wk, or 18-wk semesters) — Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3.
Payment plan installment due date (15-wk, 16-wk, or 18-wk semesters) — Oct 28, Oct 28, Oct 28.
Graduation, London campus — November 6 and 7.
Last date to withdraw from most courses without academic penalty (getting F) for Fall 2008; check your student verification form for specific dates (15-wk, 16-wk, or 18-wk semesters) — Nov 11, Nov 17, Dec 1.
Last date to apply for a Student Assistance bursary for Fall 2008 (15-wk, 16-wk, or 18-wk semesters) — Nov 14, Nov 21, Nov 28.
Office of the Registrar
… We're working for you.
This column is a Student Success Initiative sponsored by Counselling and Student Life Services, Financial Aid and the Office of the Registrar.