F.A.T.S. Knows!
On November 6 and 7, you'll see a lot of activity in J Building, as hundreds of successful students cross the graduation stage and are officially welcomes as new alumni. Do you plan to finish your certificate, diploma or degree program this term or next? Here's what you need to know about graduation for next June.
Where is the graduation info?
Look on Fanshawe's website at www.fanshawec.ca/graduation. Everything you need to know is there. If you are following your program with no changes, we'll also send an email to any email address you have on file with the college — that includes your FanshaweOnLine email, and your Hotmail, Sympatico, Rogers or whatever. Make sure your email address is accurate and make sure your mailbox is set to accept mail from fanshawec.ca or you'll miss us.
How do I know if I'm graduating?
In order to be eligible to graduate, you must successfully complete all the program requirements with a minimum grade point average, including any co-op education requirements. If you have questions about what you need to finish, talk to your division office soon.
I'm following my program with no changes.
If you're going through your program successfully and without any changes, your name will likely be put on a “grad list” by your program coordinator or staff in your academic office. The list goes to the Graduation Coordinator who makes sure that your academic record shows you are "credentialled".
I'm taking courses out of order (for any reason).
If you have any changes to your regular program - you've taken courses out of order, repeated a course, taken courses through Continuing Education or done things in a different order for any reason - check the Graduation site on FanshaweOnline. It will tell you whether or not the college thinks you have completed your program. If it doesn't say you're done, you must confirm with your academic office that you believe you are ready to graduate, well before the end of the term. Otherwise, we won't know you're finished and you won't receive an email from us about graduation, and it's possible you might not be able to graduate at the upcoming ceremonies.
I owe a library fine but it isn't very large.
If you have any outstanding debt with the college - tuition, library fines (no matter how small), whatever - your document won't be released when you graduate. Not only that, but you won't be able to get your transcript and you might not be able to register for future courses.
I got an email about graduation but I'm not finished (maybe I'm on a co-op term) - what's going on?
Most programs at Fanshawe College end on a “final academic semester”, that is, with you in class. When we prepare for graduation ceremonies, we send out invitations before the end of term, before we know whether or not you've completed your program. We send the invitations to everyone in your program's final in-class semester.
Our next graduation ceremonies (after November 6 and 7) are in June. We look forward to congratulating you at your graduation!
Important Dates
Thanksgiving Day - the college is closed on October 13th
Deadline to apply for OSAP without penalty for Fall-Winter or Fall-Winter-Summer (15 wk, 16 wk or 18 wk semesters) is October 16th
Mid-term grades will be available on WebAdvisor (15 wk, 16 wk or 18 wk semesters) on October 17, 24 31st
Second release of OSAP for Fall 2008 (15 wk, 16 wk or 18 wk semesters) is October 20, 27th, Nov. 3rd
Payment plan installment due date (15 wk, 16 wk or 18 wk semesters) Oct 28th
Office of the Registrar
... We're working for you.
This column is a Student Success Initiative sponsored by Counselling and Student Life Services, Financial Aid and the Office of the Registrar.