Drinking and driving still an issue

Driving cautiously has always been a main priority for all, yet why are we still avoiding the harsh reality by ignoring the facts?

Drinking and driving has been the main cause for collisions nationwide and claims lives in vast numbers annually.

A new study in the U.S. revealed that texting while you drive has been a favourite amongst teens and new drivers everywhere.

New drivers are constantly being reminded of what may happen if they are not careful and do not follow instruction carefully while driving.

According to CellCoach.com, over 80 per cent of teenagers use their cell phones when they drive.

Over 40 per cent of teenagers use text messaging while they drive. Texting while driving may seem impossible to you as an adult, but a teen's ability to navigate on the roads has yet to be developed by experience; therefore texting or any distravtion, while driving may potentially be harmful for the driver and others who share the road.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is working hard in the London community and are constantly trying to relay the message that drinking and driving is still claiming lives.

The fact still remains that impaired drivers impact approximately 72,000 Canadians annually.

The number of new drivers on the roads is staggering and it is no surprise the statistics are what they are.

Inexperience still happens to be one of the main causes for accidents on our roads.

“Making people aware of drinking and driving-having Victim speakers go into high schools and if possible, colleges. This puts students face-to-face with some one who has been affected by an impaired driver. It could have been through a loss of a loved one or because of a serious injury,” explained President of the MADD London Chapter Maggie Doran.

Unfortunately drinking and driving is inevitable and even with the facts and statistics provided, drivers hold on to the old stigma of “it will never happen to me,” added Doran.

The truth is, no matter where you are, or whom your with, if you choose to engage in drinking and driving, you are putting yourself and other innocent people in harms way by being negligent.

“Unfortunately a lot of times it comes down to peer pressure. Someone drivers are impaired a few times and nothing happens so they think nothing ever will. They drink x number of drinks and they say they feel fine. But if a BAC (blood alcohol content) was done of that person they would be legally intoxicated,” said Doran.

Make good judgment while driving. Don't get into a car with a person who appears even a little intoxicated.

“Plan ahead when going out. Arrange for a designated driver, some one who will consume no alcoholic beverages. Call a taxi for a safe way home. You can dial # Taxi on your cell phone and you will be put through to the first available taxi company in the area where you are without getting a busy signal,” she stressed. “Arrange to stay at a friend's house if you are at a house party or you can always call a parent or guardian to pick you up.”

Bottom line is, too many lives are lost due to negligence and having a poor attitude while out driving.

Be smart and always use a designated driver if you plan on drinking.

Don't become another statistic.