Pete's Links: Surf and save the earth at the same time

I thought I would get into the environmental mode by searching the net (using my Energy Star approved monitor and PC) to find some sites that may bring some more insight into how we can all do a little bit to help the environment and bring shame on all the corporations that aren't doing enough.

10 Worst Corporate Polluters
I'm sure if you type in the headline and search for polluters, this one will be easier to find. The title is self-explanatory but there is some really good information about each company on here.Very scary, indeed.

Pollution from fast food cooking
This is a startling fact. It makes you not only think twice about going to a fast food place because of what you're putting into your body, but what it's also doing to the environment. In retrospect, with the amount of packaging and plastic/styrofoam use, this has been on many environmentalists' minds for years. Anyone remember the HUGE styrofoam package used for McDonald's McBLT? On a side note — check out the whole site. There is a lot of cool information and environmentally friendly products people are coming up with.

Pollution watch
If you want to see how safe the air is in certain places in Ontario, go here. Many people say, “Peter, you don't go outside too much.” Now, I'm not feeling so guilty breathing in my stagnant air.

The Toxic 100
Here you go. Here's the list of the top 100 polluters in the United States. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!

Tips on helping the planet
On a more positive note, here are many tips for you to pick and choose how to be more environmentally conscience. I know sometimes things feel like an inconvienience and people have grown up a certain way, but, come on… you can shut stuff off when you're not using it. You can turn off the water between toothbrush rinses. You can change a couple of lightbulbs although they do cost a little bit more at first (I'm a new homeowner and these bulbs are awesome). Let's help the planet together before we get the slap!