20 Questions: Life is good for Zoë Hill

Hailing from Ottawa, first-year Recreation & Leisure Services student Zoë Hill is an optimist and a morning person.

1. What is something about you that most people don't know?
I over-think EVERYTHING.

2. If you were on a deserted island and could only bring one item or person with you, what would it be?
A dog. We'd go swimming, play fetch, and pant with our tongues out together in the shade. I can see the montage now...

3. What is your greatest indulgence?
Expensive haircuts. They're worth it!

4. What was your favourite television show of all time?
“Breaker High” blew my tween mind. School on a cruise ship?! Crazy.

5. Who is your favourite band/group/musician?
I'm all over Sufjan Stevens right now.

6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Dip your fries in your frosty at Wendy's.

7. Who is your role model?
Successful, well-rounded, positive, outgoing people who are just stoked on life.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live?
Off the grid, in the woods somewhere in northern Canada.

9. What was your first job?
I was a snowboard T.A. at a tiny ski hill outside of Ottawa when I was 15.

10. What is your dream job?
Hanging out with people, learning every day.

11. What would your last meal be?
A hot turkey sandwich, with mashed potatoes and steamed veggies, with apple pie for dessert.

12. What stresses you out?
My ‘‘should-do'' list.

13. Do you consider yourself a risk taker? If so, what is the biggest risk you've taken?
I don't mind adrenaline one bit. I've bungee jumped, played guitar and sang in front of a crowd, and lived with 12 strangers (doesn't sound risky, but trust me; it is.)

14. If you could foresee the outcome of one event or moment in your life, what would it be?
The number one most requested story from my life that my grandkids want to hear over and over again.

15. What is your favourite drink?
Amaretto Sours go down really easy.

16. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Wings. Definitely wings.

17. What actor would you choose to play you in a movie?
Natalie Portman is a BABE, so obviously she's the only suitable choice.

18. If you could have three wishes fulfilled, what would they be?
1. World peace (like, seriously.)
2. At least six more hours in a day to do more wicked stuff
3. To be more flexible and overall more agile (for running, leaping, squeezing into small spaces, etc.)

19. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Love is everywhere. Next time you make eye contact with someone, just smile and feel loved.

20. When and where was your last vacation?
The winter camping trip my class went on last month was probably the best vacation I've had EVER.
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