Letters to the editor...

Crashing computers

From a school that boasts such a wonderful IT program I can't understand why the computers are such crap and function so intermittently.

In some of the homework labs, the places people are most likely to play games and goof around, there are new, fast computers that you can actually use to get stuff done, but in the classrooms where I attend the classes that I pay for at this institution the computers look like the first one my Dad put together for me out of spare parts when I was 14 and function about half as well as that one did.

I'm probably writing this letter at the wrong time, when I'm angry, but I'm sure anyone would be angry after having spent a HALF HOUR trying to put headers at the top of each of the pages in the 25 page excel assignment I'm working on, only to get nowhere because it seems that process was a bit too taxing for the computer I'm using in my classroom. After having waited for about ten minutes for said computer to complete it's task the program just crashed instead. This is ridiculous. Such a simple task should not be outside the possible for any computer at any post-secondary institution. Period.

Why is it that the computers in our classrooms are so slow and so poorly maintained when they are such a vital part of our education? I want to know and I want it to change.

Emily Hunt

Why break up peaceful protest?

Today members of the Fanshawe student body and other concerned parties staged an action against the Canadian Armed Forces recruiting students.

The action involved 12 or more individuals donning “blood soaked” t-shirts and blindfolds and laying down in front of the CAF Table, while other individuals passed on information and awareness. Crosses with the names of recent fallen Canadian soldiers written on them were read out and placed among the people on the floor.

After less than 20 minutes excessive security and police force were used to physically drag the students and others out of the gym where the Career Fair was being held.

The students were told that they were “trespassing” and that they were being arrested. They were then handcuffed and dragged to waiting vehicles. This incident was videotaped.

The questions we need to be asking ourselves independently and as a society are why should a peaceful protest end in police arrests? Since when does a campus arrest its own students for peacefully expressing their opinion and beliefs? And should this have been dealt with as it was?

As a student on this campus I am personally appalled and saddened by today's events and hope that if you are reading this that you take it upon yourself to become informed. Students do not need to turn to war to pay their tuition fees.

Fight poverty, not war.


Editorial opinions or comments expressed in this online edition of Interrobang newspaper reflect the views of the writer and are not those of the Interrobang or the Fanshawe Student Union. The Interrobang is published weekly by the Fanshawe Student Union at 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd., P.O. Box 7005, London, Ontario, N5Y 5R6 and distributed through the Fanshawe College community. Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters are subject to editing and should be emailed. All letters must be accompanied by contact information. Letters can also be submitted online by clicking here.