Fashion Fashionista: Becoming green with envy

In the beginning, human kind prevailed as the leaders of the planet, constantly inventing, understanding and thriving in an ever-changing world. That world in all its glory has been taken advantage of, and now it is up to us to save our only home, a planet that's given us tens of thousands of years to evolve, experience and explore.

‘We do not inherent the Earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children' — Native American proverb

Though the facts can seem complicated, the message is quite simple. Plants, animals, humans and entire habitats are at risk from the continuous warming of a planet we all share. From vanishing coral reefs to dying rainforests; home to thousands of species and medical miracles, to melting glaciers and eroding permafrost, no part of Mother Nature remains untouched by man or woman, as we openly and deliberately continue to pillage a struggling world. Triumphant eradication in one nation can trigger profound shock in regions thousands of miles away.

Consciously or not, each and every one of us is biting into the forbidden notion that what we do within our lifetime will not affect us, or the generations to come. Daily, the vast destruction worldwide becomes more and more frightening. Climate change is not science fiction; it is science fact, and we sit behind the wheel fueling its path and strength.

With this knowledge available, utter selfishness and ignorance allows us to delve into the temptation of continuous destruction. Although polar bears and coral reefs may not be something you take in and think about every day, it is proven that by 2050, OUR LIFETIME, these creatures and ecosystems that are usually able to maintain themselves, will be pushed to the limit of tolerance and extinction. Breathtaking animals and mysteriously colourful and enchanting homes below the sea will be gone forever.

The truth is, we all hold a part of the world in the palms of our hands; with the power, energy and knowledge to recognize and differentiate between right, wrong, good and evil. So many contributors to global warming can easily be avoided by simply altering the way you drive, work, shop, and do all of your daily activities.

Most of us grasp onto the dwindling hope that global warming is a vague concern for the future. Extreme weather patterns, unsettling global images and scientific research prove the disruption of lives everywhere. It's evident that climate change is an immediate threat to our planet, and the time to take action is now… the choice is yours. Infuse passion with the fire you feel inside knowing that you see, feel and are educated on an issue that affects everyone you know and love, today, and for the next generation. “Be the change you wish to see in the world”….tempting thought, isn't it.