Friends and fluids make a workout fun

OTTAWA (CUP) -- Flat abs and enourmous pecks are physical attributes that often fall to the wayside as students enter the fall season.

The oft-coveted summer beach body comes in second to midterms, readings, and term papers. But whether you are new to college or a returning student, it is important to remember that physical health is essential both in and out of the classroom.

According to Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living, a person must participate in 60 minutes of physical activity a day, in order to maintain or improve your health. Endurance, flexibility, and strength are three activity categories Health Canada provides. With hectic schedules and tight deadlines, students often forget the importance of their physical health.

Christine Rainey, peer education coordinator for Health Promotions at the University of Ottawa, talked about the benefits of physical activity.

"Certainly physical activity is important to get your metabolism going, to help you burn calories, and helps give you a great mental boost as well," Rainey said.

For many, however, the gym environment is stale and full of intimidating athletes. Rainey said there are many ways to keep fit outside of the gym.

"There's lots of ways—walking to your classes, using the stairs instead of the elevator, even walking to get your groceries," explained Rainey.

Whether you embrace the gym or shudder at the thought, get your hour workout to keep you healthy and ready for another school year.

First time at the gym? Some suggestions for first-timers are:

See the doctor. Talk to family and friends who have had prior experience or set up an appointment with a trainer to learn how to use the machines properly. And be sure to contact a physician for any health problems.

Bring a friend. Partnering up with a pal can make the transition much smoother. You can provide motivation for each other.

Let the music take you. Whether you're jogging or lifting weights, music is a great way to keep your rhythm going. Exercising can be less dreadful while listening to your favourite tunes.

Keep hydrated. Bring a water bottle and make sure to drink whenever you feel thirsty. The water fountain just doesn't cut it for many, especially when running on the treadmill for half an hour.