Letters to the editor.....

The pros of protesting

RE: “Student arrested after Career Fair protest.” February 20, 2007.

As a parent of a tuition-paying student I am appalled at the situation on Valentines Day at the job fair. I full heartedly agree with the students that the army has absolutely NO BUSINESS ON CAMPUS.

Please keep them away from all these young motivated impressionable adults. Let them practice their recruiting propaganda on the TV, radio and other forms of media as they inevitably will, but once again STAY OFF THE CAMPUS!

Is a campus not also private for the students? Do they not have the right to say what comes on their Campus? Are the peaceful students not allowed freedom of speech?

The fact that the media had asked the students to look ‘'mean'' for the camera, and that the one boy (who happens to look as though he is from Indian decent) happened to be the one they arrested, reminds me of stories that I heard about World War II, when prisoners were instructed to look mean for the propaganda pictures (my own grandfather).

I thought schools were for education and free thinking, not to get caught up in the political propaganda B.S. that has plagued society for hundreds of years...are these students not the ones telling the truth and learning new peaceful ways to help the world - just to be pushed back to join the army?

Please protect the students from this and let them grow into peaceful lovely people who will hopefully make a PEACEFUL DIFFERENCE in our world, and not create more of the same war mongering that has been our history.


P.S. I hope that poor boys fingers are okay, and that he presses charges. If a school does not back up “peace” who will and what are they teaching?

Concerned Parent
Irene Rausch

RE: “Student arrested after Career Fair protest.” February 20, 2007.

In the last issue of the Interrobang, I was shocked to see that the president of the social justice club was arrested for protesting the one thing that gives him the right to protest. Our military.

I thought that human beings living in western civilization were allowed to be free and do as we wish. I fully understand that they are against the war, but not everyone is. The military is not forcing us to join, and they have every right to be giving us the option to go, just as you have the right to not go. If you do not believe in the military, then do not join ... It is that simple.

Why are you trying to take away my right to protect my country? If I want to be in the military, I have rights to do so. You are going against every right I have by telling the military that they cannot be here. I am a CANADIAN, I am here to protect the rights of Canada, if you do not believe in our rights here, get the hell out.

I read all of your articles, and I do respect and side with you on most of your ramblings. I just needed to let you know that regardless of who was wrong on that day, you were attacking my right as a human being.

As the social justice president, I would have hoped that you of all people would be more open minded less stubborn. Take this to heart.

Daniel Borocco

RE: “Crime continues to escalate on Fleming.” February 12, 2007.

In regards to the story you approved to be written about the so-called break and enter on Fleming Drive involving nine asian males. Is it really necessary to list the names of those charged? Some of them are students at Fanshawe and would appreciate it if the whole world didn't know about their mistake. Put yourself into their shoes sometime.


Editorial opinions or comments expressed in this online edition of Interrobang newspaper reflect the views of the writer and are not those of the Interrobang or the Fanshawe Student Union. The Interrobang is published weekly by the Fanshawe Student Union at 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd., P.O. Box 7005, London, Ontario, N5Y 5R6 and distributed through the Fanshawe College community. Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters are subject to editing and should be emailed. All letters must be accompanied by contact information. Letters can also be submitted online by clicking here.
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