Fashion Fashionista: The real fashion victims

Brrrrrr, its getting cold outside, and staying warm while looking chic is at the top of everyone's list. However, what price are we willing to pay for style and warmth? Costly, yes; however it is not necessarily the price tag on fur coats, boots, and accessories that make them so valuable. Hundreds of tiny lives are taken to make up just one coat.

Ads in magazines and television that portray fur as elegant and chic, fail to inform how the original owners of these coats met their gruesome deaths.

People claim that fur farms are more humane than animals caught in hidden steel jaw traps, both of which die a slow painful death.

Fur farms deprive animals such as minks, foxes and bobcats, of natural life confining them in small cages until they are killed by electrocution, suffocation, gassing or poisoning. Such methods salvage the ‘product' from being singed or stained with blood, and to make matters worse these methods of execution are not always effective and often animals are awake while being skinned for their fur.

It is estimated that two non-target animals (such as dogs, cats, birds and squirrels) are caught with steel jaw traps by accident for every targeted animal, and these ‘trash' animals simply die without purpose. Most animals end up chewing off their own limbs in an attempt to escape from steel traps, if they don't die from predators or freeze first.

Luckily, millions of animals have been saved thanks to passionate individuals that believe wearing fur is inhumane and unfashionable.

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) urges many celebrity fashionistas to stop wearing real fur, and for those with clothing lines, to switch to faux fur. There are many synthetic materials on the market that are just as fashionable as real fur, and spare the lives of many innocent creatures.

Whether you want to be a part of, or put a stop to a huge fashion faux-paw, the choice is all yours.