President's Perspective: Go hard or go home

I think when it comes to hard work, people have thousands of different interpretations and many different reasons as to what they think is hard work. I have also learned that people express different levels of work ethic, which results in personal evaluation of what “hard work” really is. Is that truly the case? And how do we define hard work?

To me, hard work is putting in 100 per cent and not expecting recognition. By this, I mean that you do the best job you can, at all times, and don't only be doing the job so that you can get people telling you that you're great. You do the job because it is what needs to be done. I think that line sums-up why people should work in the first place. You do the job because it is what needs to be done. Personally, I think hard work is being dedicated, motivated, passionate, and loyal to your company. I think insanity is coming to work while you have been up sick all night (gross I know) but maybe that shows a different level of dedication, because you aren't doing it for yourself, you are in the middle of a dental referendum and you understand that students need to be informed and you need to inform them.

I also think hard work is about being part of a team. This can be difficult, especially when you are the minority vote in a majority rules situation. (And majority rules in basically all situations). But I think if you cannot rise above and be a part of the team, than you are not truly working hard and being loyal to your company. Plus, the repercussions should people find out what you have been doing, are they really worth it? Some people think hard work is just showing up. But to me it's making an impact.

I have been working for the Student Union as a student leader for my third term now. I was successfully voted in three times by the student body with a large majority. I think I work very hard for students and I am constantly thinking about what is best for them. I know it can be hard to possibly figure out what I do, or to understand what I do all day, but I want you to know that my door is always open to talk about the differences we make in the lives of students every day. Being a student leader is hard work. There are many things you have to do that you got out-voted on at the Board table, there is a lot of public speaking, you are constantly being watched (can't pick your nose anymore in the hallway. Just kidding), and no matter what you do right, you will be criticized by those who are looking for the negative.

A great example? If my pants and shirt don't match one damn day, but I helped solve three student appeals with all of them being successful and the teacher and students walked away happy, don't comment on my attire. Because if you are too busy looking at that, then you aren't listening to what I have to say. Not just a pretty face people. Just kidding.