Fanshawe alumni recognized in Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List

A photo of Jennifer Williams posing with her certificate from the Mayor's office. CREDIT: JENNIFER WILLIAMS
The Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List is an annual recognition of more than a dozen individuals and organizations contributing to the community.

Fanshawe alumni made their mark on this year’s Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List. The Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List is an esteemed recognition of individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the community of London across various domains.

Among the honourees was Jennifer Williams, an alumnus of Fanshawe College’s Emergency Management program, who was acknowledged for her efforts in enhancing accessibility within the city, specifically with Airshow London, a non-profit that aims to raise funds and awareness for the Children’s Health Foundation, veterans’ support charities, and student aviation scholarships.

Williams, the Director of Volunteers for Airshow London, was recognized for her dedication to ensuring inclusivity and support for individuals of all backgrounds, languages, and abilities for the annual aviation event.

Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.


Reflecting on her unexpected nomination, Williams shared her surprise upon receiving the call.

“I was on holiday, at home, and one of my coworkers called me and said that the Mayor’s office is calling for you, and that’s strange because I don’t have anything to do with the Mayor’s office on a day to day,” Williams said. “And so, I called them. And it turns out that one of the volunteers from the Airshow nominated me. Didn’t even mention it to me, just put my name forward.”

As thrilled as she was, Williams kept the news to herself at first.

“I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone except for my family,” she said. “And so as soon as the announcement went live, they messaged all their friends, posted about it on social media, and told the whole family.”

Williams said her commitment to accessibility stems from her personal experiences.

“My nana had MS [Multiple Sclerosis], and she was in a wheelchair, and I believe that influenced how I interact with people with special needs,” she explained. “Looking back as an adult, I think she had a huge part in shaping how I viewed the world that way. She passed away when I was in grade six, but I believe that it has stuck with me all these years.”

Williams’ grandfather, meanwhile, was in the Air Force, and there are pictures of him taking Williams to the Airshow when she was just baby. Today, Williams has been with the Airshow since 2022.

“When I did my placement with Airshow, I just got hooked,” she said. “It was something I was passionate about, and I loved it. And I just wanted to ensure everyone else could love it as much as I could.”

Williams was subsequently offered a position as Director of Volunteers, which she embraced wholeheartedly.

“It was something I was passionate about, and I loved it. And I just wanted to ensure everyone else could love it as much as I could. And, when I was allowed to work with Airshow and have this be part of my job, I jumped on it.”

Williams has earned the respect and admiration of her colleagues for promoting inclusivity and supporting volunteering for the Airshow London, and her inclusion on the Mayor’s Honour List is the culmination of that.