
Do what you can but don’t let anyone pressure you to take on more than you can handle. It’s better to do less than to take on additional responsibilities and fall short. Know your limits and maintain boundaries. You’ll receive false information that will cloud your vision and point you in the wrong direction. Distance yourself from anyone who passes along fake news. Be a good listener and you’ll receive information to help you avoid a touchy emotional issue.


The Fanshawe College Student Success and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is smiling, sitting at a desk. Text states: A new semester is here. Access student services! We are here for you.

Spice things up this week and enjoy yourself. Spending time with someone special will lead to conversations that impact your subsequent actions. Welcome a change and embrace the future with optimism. A change will boost your confidence and prompt you to take advantage of an exciting suggestion. An enthusiastic attitude will raise your profile and attract allies. Express your feelings, it will help you build a closer union with the people who count. Be careful not to overdo or jeopardize your reputation. Avoid temptation and indulgence.


Don’t reveal personal information easily. Familiarize yourself with every aspect of a project you want to pursue. Be suspicious of pie-in-the-sky offers. Take time to organize and prepare. You’ll find it easier to deter interference if you leave nothing to chance. Distance yourself from anyone trying to entice you to participate in something that isn’t important to you. Concentrate on your needs, not someone else’s. Clear up a misunderstanding with a friend. It’s best to be upfront to ensure no one broadsides you with a change of plans. Recognize and decline an offer that can infringe on your emotional well-being.


Rely on your resources to help you get things done quickly, and a chance meeting with someone with something to offer will transpire. A suggestion will lead to a physical improvement that makes your life easier. Address situations that are confusing. When in doubt, take a pass. Don’t limit what you can do by setting boundaries; collect your thoughts and clarify your position. Use your ingenuity, and you’ll devise a spot-on plan that is easy to apply to a situation you encounter. Someone will take advantage of you if given the chance. Be skeptical of anyone trying to tempt or pressure you into something indulgent or costly.


Emotions will be close to the surface this week. Dodge an argument by keeping your comments to yourself and putting space between you and those who upset you. Your power is your ability to try and get things done on time. Stay fixated on what’s important to you and refuse to let anyone get the better of you. Take nothing for granted and make truth your objective. Private matters will surface if you let someone speak on your behalf. Be direct regarding where you stand and what you plan to do next. Giving in to pushy people will not help you reach your goal. Do what’s best for you.


Get a head start on projects and you’ll gain ground. A kind gesture will win points and encourage good results when building support. A change of scenery or a word with someone in a powerful position will help you gain ground. Be careful not to offer time or money to someone taking advantage of your devotion or beliefs. Go to great lengths to find the truth, even if it isn’t what you want to hear. Take the stage and spread the word. Your insight and knowledge will help others make better choices based on your experience. Be a leader, not a follower and you’ll differentiate yourself from the crowd.


Do whatever it takes to keep the peace. Concentrate on home improvements and a healthy lifestyle, and you’ll deter anyone from complaining or criticizing you. Speak from the heart but don’t exaggerate to get your point across, or someone will do their best to make you look bad. Check out an interest you have, and you’ll figure out what to do next. Take care of your responsibilities and live up to your promises, and you will avoid an emotional scene. Look for an opportunity to lower your debt and secure your lifestyle. Mingle with people with something to offer and you’ll gain insight into a position that interests you.


Jump on an opportunity to align yourself with someone who shares your motives and it will help you make a difference. A meeting or reunion will offer insight into new possibilities. Don’t offer to pay for others or donate to something foreign to you. Emotional manipulation will mess with your mind if you let someone take liberties. Set boundaries and let your intuition guide you. Share your thoughts and you’ll inspire someone with something to contribute to your cause. A vivid imagination will paint a picture that is hard to ignore. Don’t let a change someone makes disrupt your plans. Take the high road and proceed.


Consider your options and talk to someone in a position of authority to ensure you are heading in the right direction. Question anyone using manipulative tactics, and you’ll recognize if they plan to take you for granted. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and clarify your position. Friendships will undergo change that require your immediate attention. Don’t ignore critical issues. Review any medical issues and address any changes that need your attention. A force play may be necessary if you face opposition. The only way to gain the upper hand is to follow your heart and do what’s best for you. Pay attention to the details.


Nothing is impossible if you give it your best shot. Your ability to initiate and complete whatever you take on will astound onlookers and position you for victory. Believe in yourself, and the skies are the limit. Go easy on others to avoid disappointment or damage to your credibility. Be kind and understanding, and you’ll maintain your status quo. Opportunity knocks. Be ready to take advantage of whatever comes your way, and the outcome will help you bring about positive change. Handle adversity with compassion and charm. Be a straight shooter and stand up for your rights and beliefs.


Take a breather, sit back, and rethink how you want to move forward. An honest look at your options will help you envision your next move. Don’t let anyone dictate what’s best for you. Take responsibility, rely on common sense, and forge ahead. Someone will withhold information from you. Do your research, and you’ll discover who you can trust and what’s best and next for you. A change of heart will set you free and allow you to collect your thoughts and do as you please. Overreacting will be your demise. Take a moment to consider the consequences before you say or do something you regret.


Go over your expenditures and make your money work for you. Getting rid of debt will ease your mind and help you gain perspective on what’s important to you. A minimalist approach will help you wrap your head around what’s necessary. If given the chance, someone will take advantage of you. Joint accounts will cause concern and can hurt your relationship. You’ll get a good sense of what’s possible this week. Firm an offer or request something you want, and you will gain peace of mind. A special friend will require attention this week. Make sure you give them the time they need.