
Take the initiative and follow your heart. Your dedication and hard work won’t go unnoticed, but you can expect someone competitive to challenge you. Keep an open mind but don’t believe everything you hear. Someone will try to push you to get involved in something that can lead to an emotional setback. Do your own thing and put your energy where it will spotlight you. Expect someone to use force or manipulative tactics to take advantage of you. Personal growth, updating your appearance, fitness, and health are favoured.


Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

Stop thinking about your goals and get working on them. Live your dream, explore the possibilities, and grow into your aspirations. A reserved attitude will help deter others from taking advantage of you. Make it clear that you are in control and will only implement practical changes, adding to your comfort, convenience, and personal growth. Refuse to let emotions get in your way. Waffling will raise a red flag. You’ll gain inside information if you listen carefully, verify what you hear, and take a practical approach to any change you make. Keep your emotions hidden and your intent a secret.


Consider your options before jumping into something questionable. Don’t let your emotions take over and lead to decisions that put you in a vulnerable position. Be aware of the costs involved before you sign up for something. Handle domestic difficulties with finesse, truth, and compassion. You’ll have a better handle on what’s unfolding and can go head-to-head with anyone trying to persuade you to go in one direction when you know you want to go in the other. Show your strength by using your voice to advocate on your behalf. Let your uniqueness shine through.


Do things your way and you’ll be happy with the results. Your discipline and hard work will give you a greater incentive to expand your interests and take charge of your life. You’ll be at odds with home improvements, moves, and getting along with those close to you. Keep your thoughts to yourself and work out all the details before you give anyone a clue about what you plan to pursue. Devise a budget before you commit to anything that could jeopardize your finances. Emotions will skyrocket. Know what you want and do your best to avoid a showdown with someone close to you.


Proceed cautiously if you want change. Consider how what you want will affect others and how you can compensate to gain approval. A show of good faith will help sway the popular opinion. A heart-to-heart talk with someone you respect will help you gain perspective regarding what’s possible. Be prepared to put some muscle behind your words and plans to show your dedication and interest in finishing what you start. Leave nothing to chance and prepare to go the distance. Choose your words wisely and think outside the box to ensure you hold the interest of those with something to contribute.


Know your target market and voice your thoughts and you’ll gain insight into something that can hinder your plans. Alter whatever is necessary to fit current situations before you proceed. Someone will mess with your mind if you let emotional manipulation get to you. Make yourself clear and dismiss anyone interfering with your plans. Change is your best way forward, even if that means heading in the direction of choice alone. Reach out to someone who shares your sentiments and you’ll discover you have more options than you realize. Promote a change that offers something out of the ordinary.


Keep your plans and personal information to yourself. Someone will be eager to take advantage of any vulnerability you disclose. Concentrate on getting along with like-minded people, and living a healthy, fit lifestyle. Learn as you go, and you’ll fill in the blanks with current information that will keep you ahead of any competition. Put your energy into getting what you want, making a difference to those less fortunate, and protecting what you’ve worked hard to achieve. Someone you least expect will try to take advantage of you if you are too forthcoming regarding your goals.


You’ll gravitate toward forward-thinking people eager to bring about positive change. Ask questions, and you’ll find common ground and an opportunity to offer your service and skills. If someone doesn’t agree, it is best to move on. Don’t limit what you can do because you let someone stand in your way. Share your thoughts and you’ll find out where you stand. Don’t hesitate to make a move if someone lets you down. Be honest and do what’s necessary.


Refuse to let the changes happening around you throw you off guard or cause you to make a mistake or a compromising move. Put your head down, do what you do best, and avoid interference. Put your emotions aside. Don’t let anyone meddle in your affairs. Put more thought into your next move and surround yourself with people who share what makes you happy. Love is in the stars. Someone will take advantage of you if you let them. Being too accommodating will put you in a vulnerable position. Make it clear what you expect and what you are willing to give in return.


Take control and don’t let anyone disrupt your agenda. Make changes at home that are subject to your happiness. Refuse to let anyone put you in a compromising position regarding your health. Someone will use temptation and persuasive tactics to push you to do something that is more likely to benefit them, not you. Don’t be fooled by an exaggerated look into someone else’s world. Your happiness is dependent on doing what’s best and suitable for you. Refuse to let someone push you into an emotional scene. Be honest, blunt, and quick to walk away from disputes.


Keep your eye on the ball and determine what others are up to before you get involved. Your best effort will come from physically taking control of your life and building good relationships. Take inventory and tally up what you’ve done for yourself lately. Make your health and emotional well-being your priority and your relationships beneficial. Say no to anyone offering a toxic environment. Refuse to be sidetracked by what others are doing or offering. It’s time to declutter your life and control your future. Choose health and fitness over temptation.


Ready, set, engage. Your dedication to positive change and building a solid base to house your dreams will pay off. Be aware of anyone using emotional means to push you to make a fast decision. Recap what’s in it for you and them, and adjust your thinking to support what’s best for you. Be smart and not afraid to do your own thing if it makes more sense. Move forward with an open mind and honest opinion. Plan to have some fun but don’t fall for temptation filled with indulgent and excessive behaviour. Focus on being unique, creative, and dedicated to self-improvement.