
Refrain from acting in haste and indulgent behaviour. Choose projects that depend on motivation, discipline, and hard work. Challenge yourself intellectually. Pick up skills, knowledge, and insight by doing something you enjoy. You’ll receive mixed messages. Leave nothing to chance, question what others say, and verify the information received. A wrong move will put your reputation at stake. Having fun will come at a price. Consider the risk and cost before you get involved in something or with someone. Excessive behaviour will leave you at a loss and all alone to fix the ramifications.


Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

An intellectual treasure hunt will broaden your spectrum regarding your pursuits. A change of pace and direction will stimulate your mind and encourage what offers purpose, meaning, and a chance to make a difference. Don’t jump at a proposal until you have sufficient time to consider it. Pay more attention to the information you share with others. A refined attitude and listening are in your best interest instead of talking. You’ll get a different perspective on life if you use your imagination and connections to make things happen. Don’t make a premature move. Before you discard one thing, be sure you have something else in place.


Have a plan before starting something new. Preparation and attention to detail will spare you from the trouble that surfaces because you trust someone you shouldn’t. Refuse to let hype entice you. You’ll get the most accomplished if you stick close to home or make changes at home to accommodate something you want to pursue. Personal growth and love are attainable if you focus on what’s important. You’ll face roadblocks if you let your emotions influence decisions. Start a new health routine. A diet change coupled with a physical activity you enjoy will boost your morale.


Trust your instincts and navigate through every situation you encounter using imagination, knowledge, and discipline. Make sure change begins with you if you want to get the desired results. Learn from the mistakes others make. Taking a step in an exciting direction that makes you feel good will lead to interesting connections or a reunion with someone you remember fondly. A passionate approach to your pursuits will make life exciting and give you hope for a better future. Stand by your beliefs and follow through with your plans. Emotions will cloud your vision. Slow down and rethink your next move.


Do your due diligence before entering unfamiliar territory. Protect your assets, reputation, and secrets from anyone trying to pry into your affairs. Say no to temptation. Don’t let drama take over. Set boundaries and express reason and willingness to compromise if necessary, and you’ll avoid getting involved in something you can’t afford financially or physically. Keep life simple and doable. Refuse to let someone else handle your money or personal matters. Go the distance, research, and look for alternative ways to make your skills work for you. Spend time with people who support your efforts. Romance is favoured.


A get-together will reunite you with a person or plan you still want to pursue. Engage in conversations openly, and you’ll gather information encouraging you to follow through with your plans. Pay attention to where each dollar goes and create a plan to help you build equity. Don’t miss an opportunity. Spend time with people who feed your imagination and it will help you revamp your lifestyle to suit your current needs. Embrace positive change. Keep finances and medical issues to yourself and you’ll avoid an awkward situation. A physical change will have repercussions.


Put your energy where it counts and positive change will transpire. Invest in something that will lower your living expenses and say no to anyone trying to use emotional manipulation to part you from your hard-earned cash. A networking event will be interesting and helpful. Use your charm, listen attentively, and arrange to follow through at a future date. Put a positive spin on how you approach a job by adding your personal touch. The outcome may not be as expected, but it will change how you proceed with your plans. Make personal improvement and romance a priority and you’ll attract positive input.


Communication and developing a longterm plan are essential for greater security and a meaningful lifestyle. Engineering a way forward using your connections, insight, and skills will put you in a controversial position that requires honesty to maintain control. Emotions will surface due to conflicts between work and home. Review every angle and make compromises where necessary. Patience is required to avoid an escalating situation. Take a moment to gather your thoughts and to show kindness to others, and you’ll make a difference that resonates with those who matter most to you.


What you accomplish will make a difference in how others perceive you. Take care of challenging situations with truth and fair play. Uphold your reputation and maintain your dignity by always doing and being your best. Refuse to let the changes others make get in your way. Stick to your plan, show passion in everything you do, and maintain truth and honesty regardless of what others say. Listen to complaints but don’t compromise yourself or your reputation to accommodate someone who offers questionable information. Embrace what you enjoy doing most and share something special with someone you love.


Don’t get angry, get moving. Take matters into your hands, offer cost-efficient common- sense solutions, and create alternative opportunities. Put your energy and muscle behind your words and you’ll convince even your greatest critic to support your actions and contribute to your cause. A partnership looks inviting. Follow your intuition over and above what others tell you. The changes you make at home, or lifestyle will help free up additional disposal cash. An argument will develop if you aren’t willing to compromise. Consider the fallout before you let your ego carry you into battle.


Observe what’s happening around you. Facts will keep you out of trouble and encourage you to follow a path that is right for you. Let others do as they please, and you’ll take the same liberty regardless of the emotional pressure someone applies. Put your time and effort into updating documents. Staying on top of such matters will put your mind at ease and deter others from taking advantage of you. Emotional discussions will mislead you. Listen carefully, decipher what you hear, and ask direct questions. Communication regarding shared expenses and who is responsible for what will help you build a solid foundation to make your dreams.


Make partnerships a priority. Discuss your thoughts, likes, and dislikes to alleviate problems moving forward. Whether you are dealing with a work or personal relationship, honesty is the best policy. How you handle money, medical issues, and secrets will make a difference. Documentation will alleviate mistakes. Keep your notes up to date for reference and peace of mind. Express your feelings and determine where you stand. Once you know what’s possible, everything will fall into place. Put more effort into personal goals, self-improvement, and how you treat loved ones, and it will positively impact how your plans unfold.