
Surprises are best when a loved one springs them on you. Proof of ownership or residency is self-evident. Courageous acts are born from feelings of deep security. You’re attracted to rousing music and shiny surfaces. You have good luck with machines. Even if it’s weekend, that won’t stop Aries from networking if the occasion arises.


Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

You take your struggle far too seriously. You have many reasons to laugh. You gain new insight into your story when telling it again for the benefit of a newcomer. This weekend you’re the very soul of prudence and caution. Let others risk their necks or their money. You’re happy to stand on the sidelines and pick up the pieces once it’s all over.


When you yield to temptation, it might quickly stop being fun. Gemini is still responsible for the welfare of others. If you aren’t a parent yet, this is excellent training. Being focused and caring will soon pay off. Stay calm in the face of overstimulation. Play the shepherd or chaperone for people who can’t seem to handle themselves. This may not be what you planned, but it could lead to something even better.


Think small to avoid being overwhelmed. Stay away from people whose conversation will take you to an undesirable place. Self-care comes miles ahead of serving others. You deserve to be spoiled for a while. Cancer is pushed to the limit. You’d love to blow off your current load of responsibilities, but there isn’t enough wind. Tune out whatever isn’t necessary and get to work. Finish sooner and earn more play time.


Unanswered questions resolve themselves. The undecided are yielding to your magic touch. Some would say that you’re trampling all over them, but the truth is that you’re sweeping them into your dance. Leave the talking to others. You’re all action this weekend. The moon loads your days with fire. Laugh, love and learn. For now, everything that you do is appropriate.


Stay calm and rational. Anyone heartless enough to tease you doesn’t deserve a response. As long as you believe in a just world, sooner or later the circumstances will avenge you. Others might play, but Virgo has work to do. Resentment and jealousy will only turn obligation into torture. If you look at this whole thing as a game, new strategies will soon become apparent.


Other people are crucial to your picture. If you don’t go out into the world in search of friendship, it will come to you soon enough. You’re party to any agreement — especially if it involves a party. You’re compassionate and understanding. You have time for the things that matter. Libra is happy to be the sounding board for someone else’s big ideas. Trust that others will be there for you when you need them.


Someone tries to talk you into believing the unbelievable. Resign yourself to a weekend of credibility exercises. A moment of satisfaction isn’t worth the price that comes with it. You have many secrets to share with only a few people. You’re right to be suspicious of an unusually curious stranger. Answer questions with other questions until your curiosity is satisfied.


Adventure is where you find it. Sagittarius could make a mountain out of a mole hill, and not even the moles would complain. Write your story in large letters and sell the movie rights before the week is done. Thanks to you, every Fire Sign in town gets a special weekend. You meet expectations and then go on to exceed them. Wealth isn’t an issue when you’re so rich in all of the important things.


Your dream life is a powerful source of inspiration and answers. Capricorn is the first to do unusual things simply because no one else has ever thought of them before. Make productive use of your spare time. You’re alone for now, but you seem to like it that way. Some areas of your need are better left unexplained. Friends respect you for taking care of yourself. Maybe you’ll be ready for their help next time.


You’re working with symbols that easily overpower others. You dispatch your obligations easily and are soon hungry for the next challenge. If this happened every day, you’d soon be king or queen of everything. Organize the directionless. Speak up for the timid. You’re gripped by a sense of purpose. Subtlety is for people with time to be clever. Aquarius won’t rest until the results are visible.


Although you say that you’re ‘between relationships,’ this could actually be the start of a new one. Recognize the laws and principles that are now in effect. Your words will be heard and remembered. A single offer to help turns you into a community resource. Maybe you weren’t ready to do so much furniture moving or babysitting, but here you are. Remember this moment the next time you feel lonely or useless.
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