
Stay modest even in the face of success. Deter anyone from asking you to offer more than you want to contribute. Put your energy into personal growth that benefits your mental health. Setting a budget will ease your mind when you encounter an opportunity that requires you to act fast. Putting money aside for something you want to pursue will raise your expectations. Back away from the hustle and bustle and take a break over the weekend. Reflecting on your goals will help you clear a successful path forward.


The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are.

Spend meaningful time with those closest to you over the weekend. The love and support they offer will give you the confidence to try something new. Take better care of your health and emotional well-being these next few weeks. Focus on the unusual. Take your time and do things right the first time. Put your finances first before deciding to splurge on a want. Making sure you have enough to cover your expenses will put your mind at ease and give yourself the freedom to spend a little extra if you want to. You’ll surprise everyone with your choices.


Call things as you see them regardless of who disagrees with you. Setting high standards and living up to your word will bring you the respect and rewards you deserve. Don’t get in harm’s way. Be cognizant of how others look and feel in order to avoid contact with someone who is ill. Look for a different approach to helping others or improving your community. Apply pressure and enforce a high-energy policy to whatever you sign up for. Keep the momentum flowing, and you’ll impress someone who can influence your future. Listen, verify information and make changes based on what you discover.


Say little and do a lot in order to avoid an emotional situation spinning out of control. Put your energy into finding affordable ways to up your game. You’ll be given clear passage by someone who believes in you. Take your talents to the next level. Make the overall package you present undeniably unique. Don’t rely on others to make the plans you want, or disappointment will follow. Learn from your mistakes, and you’ll know how best to market yourself. A special relationship is taking the next step in your life. Listen to suggestions but add your thoughts to ensure this is what you want.


Join a club and you’ll meet new individuals who inspire you and stoke your creative ideas. Romance is on the rise. Don’t let possible changes discourage you. Protect your reputation from anyone out to ruin what you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Branch out and you’ll discover something new you enjoy doing. Connect with someone special for some fun and frivolity. You can make a smart move if you recognize your value. Don’t settle for less when you are worth so much more.


Some alone time this weekend would be a good idea, but if you need to socialize stay away from those that deliberately push your buttons. Choose your friends wisely and make peace and love your priorities. Join a club that shares your interests, and you’ll find a unique way to improve and form strong bonds with others. Share your thoughts and embrace leadership. An argument will break if you or someone else drifts from the truth. Refuse to be a victim or let someone make you look bad. Speak and do for yourself. Consider the changes you want and call on those you know to help you reach your objective.


Doing something with someone you love this weekend will bring you closer together. Don’t stay home or share time and space with negative individuals. Take care of your responsibilities. Changes at home will be costly. Be careful what you ask for. Make time for friends, relatives or your lover. A comment will push you to update your image or refresh your look. Emotions will surface if you let thoughts fester. Think twice before you engage in a debate. It is less stressful to choose love over discord.


Don’t hide from adversity; do something to strengthen your position. Don’t expect the changes at home to be accepted initially, but with an explanation and preview of what’s to come, heads will turn, and so will approval. Share your thoughts and listen to complaints and you’ll discover you have more options than you realize. Standing still and doing nothing will lead nowhere. Clear up any uncertainty you encounter before you proceed on a new path. Making travel plans or getting together with friends or relatives will influence how you think and do things.


Pay attention to how you look. A little effort will invite compliments and attention that lift your spirits. An improvement to your surroundings will require supervision to avoid going over budget. Don’t take on responsibilities that might put you in harm’s way. A health issue will impact what you can and cannot pursue. Stick close to your allies and you’ll get the support and feedback required to maintain control and keep the peace. Don’t let anyone put you in an emotional headlock. Just say no. Spend more on entertainment if you want to impress someone. The outcome and response will be appreciated and reciprocated.


Don’t show signs of emotional weakness or someone will take advantage of you. Put more time and effort into how you learn and achieving the highest grades possible. Embrace new beginnings. Address money matters. Look at your expenses and figure out how to make your money work. Lower debt, adopt minimalism and live life your way. You’ll be required to think outside the box if you want to stay within budget and avoid needless debt.


Invest time in a new relationship and you’ll start to see the world in different ways. Clear and designate space at home where you can work on projects, fitness and better health. Someone will disrupt your plans. Don’t feel you have to make changes to accommodate others. Go about your business and offer others the same freedom you expect to receive in return. Put personal matters first and follow through with plans geared toward romantic dreams. Make a promise and adjustment at home to support a new lifestyle. A subtle change to your study space will add to your productivity.


Don’t share your financial position. Be a good listener, and information that can guide you economically and help you reduce stress and debt will be forthcoming. You’ll have an inside view of an unusual situation. Taking advantage of an unusual opportunity will help you change your perspective. Don’t be fooled by what someone tells you. Do your due diligence if you want to come out on top; it’s essential. Set a high standard and follow through with your plans. You’ll know exactly how to convince others to help. An incentive, along with plenty of praise, will do the trick.
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