
Utilize your time wisely. Devise a strategy and set up a routine that will point you in the direction you want to pursue, and you’ll ease stress and be able to use your imagination to figure out how to achieve your goals. Put together a reasonable budget for yourself. Incentives that bring you closer to loved ones or encourage better rapport with friends will help you get what you want and need to pursue your objective. You can ease emotional drama at home if you suggest innovative changes that make life comfortable and convenient.


The Fanshawe College Student Success and Here For You logos are shown. A young person is shown standing. Text states: A new semester is here. Access student services.

You are overdue for a change. Starting the new year by questioning what makes you happy is a good place to begin a journey of self discovery. Enrich your mind by gathering information that can point you in a good direction. Apply your skills to something that you enjoy, and you will connect with people who are like minded. Make fitness and health priorities. Take the time to visit someone that sparks your imagination and offers sound suggestions that will encourage you to refresh your living space to suit your needs. Traveling and educational pursuits will enlighten you.


Homework will lead to something interesting. Take any opportunity you get to enrich your mind. Listen to advice, but don’t let anyone push you in a direction that makes you feel unexcited about your future. Take the information you gather and apply it to something you want to pursue. Using your skills differently will revive your interest in something you used to enjoy. A personal pick-me-up will give you a new lease on life. A change of scenery will give you the boost required to start something new. Sign up for an event that will connect you with people heading in a similar direction.


You are starting the year on the right foot. Discuss your plans with someone you love and set a budget that will buy you the freedom you need to support your dreams, hopes and wishes. A commitment will seal a deal that makes you feel good about your prospects. Honesty will help ward off trouble. Refuse to let someone persuade you into doing or saying something you regret. Concentrate on your health and physical fitness and how you intend to stay in tiptop shape this year. Someone’s actions will push you in a creative direction. Including someone you love in your plans will enhance your relationship.


You can offer to help others but don’t pay for someone else’s mistake. Making suggestions, being a good listener and showing compassion will make a difference without causing physical or financial problems that can set you back. Substantiate what’s valid before you get involved in something you can’t afford or that conflicts with something you believe in. Change only what’s necessary. Address personal issues and update your look to suit your needs and lifestyle changes. A creative outlet will tap into memories and motivate you to take a path with more to offer.


Take a break and plan to have some fun this year. Refuse to let negative people stand between you and what you love to do. Socialize and enrich your life with art, music and everything that makes you feel good. Live in the moment. Something won’t add up. Don’t believe everything you hear; when uncertain, be direct and ask questions. An offer will lack luster, leaving you unsure about what to do next. Physical activity will clear your head, and romance will ease stress. Look over your options and take advantage of what’s available. Personal improvements will raise your confidence.


It’s a new year and a new you. Write your to-do list and prepare to look and feel your best. It’s out with the old and in with the new. Expand your awareness, update your look and make health and wealth your priorities. Learn all you can and apply the knowledge to something that resonates with you. You are overdue for a shift in the way you do things. Question anyone offering vague or manipulative suggestions; stick to the facts and truth, regardless of what others do or say. Problems will surface if you neglect to take care of your responsibilities.


An unexpected offer will help start your year off in high gear. Enjoy the moment and the rush of ideas that map out your future. Share your thoughts and consider your options. Pay attention to home and your health and physical well-being. Don’t take risks or trust anyone asking you to cough up cash for something you don’t want or need. Use your connections to benefit yourself, not someone else. Do your own thing. A trip, meeting or research will give you the answers you need to follow your dreams. Don’t sit idle; take the initiative and make things happen.


Be honest, and you’ll find the answers you need to make your life easier. An opportunity will take you by surprise, but don’t buy into something that sounds too good to be true. Get together with someone you look up to and you’ll gain information and the leverage you need to follow through with your plans and make decisions in your best interest. Affection will build a better rapport with someone special. Slow down, don’t spend unnecessarily and pay attention to what others do. Time is on your side, so don’t fold under pressure.


Home is where the heart is, and entertaining friends and family will set the stage for a warm and welcoming year that will see your ties with people you love and respect strengthen. A change to your living arrangements will turn out better than anticipated. Explore the possibility of turning an idea into reality. Reach out to people you enjoy working alongside, and together you will find a way to build momentum and turn a challenge into something concrete. Move things around at home to accommodate your plans. Sharing your thoughts and feelings will help get the response you want and need to pursue your dreams.


Uncertainty will push you to rethink your strategy. Don’t change your objective to please others; do what’s necessary to ensure you don’t fall behind or give someone an advantage over you. Turn your home into your headquarters and brainstorm how to use your skills to improve life. Choose the path that adds to your satisfaction and encourages new beginnings. Show discipline and enthusiasm, and you’ll get emotional support from loved ones. Question others’ motives before agreeing to participate in something that may conflict with your principles. Follow your heart and dedicate your time to promoting your beliefs.


Time spent with a friend or relative will encourage talks that influence emotional matters. An unusual approach to helping others will give you the leverage you require to get things done. Don’t take the bait; anger is a waste of time. Put your energy to good use, and embrace opportunities that lead to self-improvement instead of trying to change others. An offer or gift will take you by surprise. A private matter will resolve itself if you are honest regarding your likes and dislikes. Participate in something you believe in and you will make a difference.