
Think before you act over the next few weeks, and you’ll avoid unnecessary arguments with friends and relatives. Put your energy to good use, offering affection, understanding and hands-on help to loved ones. Be creative when dealing with practicing good health. Make sure that you take care of your responsibilities promptly. Whether you travel, pursue knowledge or learn a new skill, how you use your time will determine the outcome. Put in the work, reap the rewards or contemplate how to proceed. Keep the peace, and let your actions speak for you.


The Fanshawe College and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is smiling while using a laptop. Text states: Exam time can feel overwhelming. Let us help you succeed. We are here for you.

Keep an open mind regarding the changes happening around you. It’s important to give others a chance to explain. Take a positive approach to your responsibilities. Physical action will ward off criticism. You’ll get pulled into an emotional arena if you overreact or put demands on others. Rethink your course of action, and you’ll make more progress if you use understanding and compassion to get others to pitch in and help. Something won’t add up when dealing with authority figures. Listen carefully and question anything that makes you feel uneasy.


Size up what you must do and set the wheels in motion. Your ability to recognize what’s required and make things happen will lead to respect and appreciation from onlookers. Take a close look at what’s happening before you offer suggestions. If you move too quickly, you will miss the opportunity to incorporate something unique into the mix that can make a difference. Put your finger on the pulse and see where it leads. Combine your intellect with your persistence, enthusiasm and high energy, and you will find a way to use your skills, gifts and experience to make a difference.


Observe before you decide to make comments . Your actions will speak louder than words. An optimistic attitude, coupled with kindness and compassion, will make a difference in how others treat you. Plan something special for someone you love and you’ll leave a lasting impression. Make romance a priority, and you’ll find happiness. Let your words and action attract love, not lavish gifts. Be careful what you agree to. Someone will withhold information that will mislead you regarding the extent of a project. Don’t commit to anything too quickly.


Take better care of your health, home and meaningful relationships. Be patient and listen to complaints before you dismiss what others are going through. Recognize and say no to pressure tactics, temptation or manipulation. Slow down and think things through. Discipline and intelligence will save you from making a mistake. Think before you act, and don’t take any risks. Attend a conference or workshops, reach out to someone you admire or take on a creative project that will ease stress. A change at home may seem scary at first, but in the end, you’ll be the one to come out on top.


Don’t overspend on entertainment when you should invest time and money in yourself. Surround yourself with people who appreciate what you have to offer and who are supportive of the decisions you make. Arrange for a friend or relative to help you do something that will bring about positive change. Moving things around and making your space more functional will give you the nerve to follow your heart and dreams. Refuse to let your emotions take over. Bide your time, and don’t react to situations before you have all the facts.


Put on your running shoes, grab your to-do list and set everything in its place. Clearing space and making room for new beginnings will lift your spirits and ease your mind. A change in your financial situation will be helpful. Take care of matters quickly to avoid loss or setbacks. Curb waste and bad habits, and you’ll feel better mentally, physically and financially. Honesty will spare you a lot of grief over the next few weeks. Refuse to let a fast talker twist your words or your way of thinking. Be true to yourself and do what’s best for you and those you love.


Be secretive regarding your plans, how much money, assets and liabilities you have, and how you feel about those you encounter. Keep a low profile and stick close to home, where you can take care of personal business without interference. An emotional setback is likely if someone is critical or causes you to feel insecure about yourself or your life. Brush off what others do or say and carry on. Focus on what makes you happy and prioritize personal growth and self-improvement. Be careful not to spend on something tempting but not good for you. Choose good health.


Source out organizations, clubs, gyms and groups that interest you and you’ll meet someone who sparks your interest and encourages you to use your skills, knowledge and experience in new and exciting ways. Pay close attention to what’s happening right under your nose. Be insightful and take note of who is being helpful. If you use incentives, you’ll be able to handpick who you want on your team. Delegate responsibilities according to skill and enthusiasm. An emotional matter will flare up if you are too open about how you feel.


Live up to your promises without complaining and praise and appreciation will come your way. Make a positive change at home that will make the ones you love feel comfortable and welcome in your space. You may feel like taking on more work but don’t overload your schedule to the point where you do a less-than-adequate job. Work ethics, perfection and attention to detail will affect your reputation and position. A red-tape matter will puzzle you. Get the facts from the source and confidently make your assessment and decisions. Romance is on the rise.


Pay closer attention to where your money goes and the best way to save for something you want. Get serious about learning something that piques your interest or gives you the chance to expand your circle of friends. Emotions will surface if you let someone’s negativity bring you down. Taking over responsibilities that don’t belong to you instead of offering suggestions that help the rightful owner of such tasks follow through will agitate you and cause discord. Put your heart and soul into whatever brings the highest return. Look at what’s entailed and leave nothing to chance.


Steer clear of sharing expenses these next few weeks. You’ll do best if you choose self-improvement or professional or monetary changes that promote higher returns. Keep an open mind and you’ll come up with unique concepts that will help you stabilize your financial future. Refuse to let an outsider interfere with your plans. Emotional upset and anger will arise if you let someone handle matters for you. If you want something done your way, do it yourself. Tighten up your schedule and be sure to tire yourself out physically rather than fretting over matters you cannot control.
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