
Ideas will come and go in the next two weeks. It’s up to you to decide what’s worthwhile and what isn’t. Suggestions made may not be suited to what you are trying to achieve. Use your intelligence and skills to mastermind your way to the results that make you proud. Self-improvement and success begin within. Do whatever it takes to reach your goal. Don’t take what others say as fact; verify the information before proceeding. Keep your thoughts and plans a secret until you have everything in place. Someone will reveal what you are up to if you share prematurely.


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Put greater emphasis on what you can do by yourself and you will be happy with the results. Take physical action, and you’ll make your point. An unexpected opportunity will come from someone you least expect. A unique approach to how you handle your workload will pay off. Don’t be fooled by someone looking out for their best interest while pretending to help you. Don’t be sloppy when it comes to maintaining your reputation. Show passion in everything you do and reap the rewards. A simple gesture you offer someone will turn into valuable input.


An outside influence will interfere with your progress. Trust and believe in yourself before you let someone sway you off course. You know what you want and how to get it if you stay on track and use your skills, experience and knowledge. A courageous move will make a statement that wards off interference. Discuss your intentions with someone you love to ensure they are on the same page. Take the road that leads to your happiness. Look at the big picture and your vision will change to suit what’s available to you. Trust your instincts and forge ahead.


You are in a better position than you realize. Let creativity be your ticket to success. Do things in your unique way, and recognition will follow. A positive change looks promising, but go over the cost involved before you proceed. Don’t add to your financial pressure unnecessarily. You’ll be fooling yourself if you don’t go over the delicate-but-essential details. Clarify what you are trying to do to someone who understands. You’ll get a warm reception if you present what you have to offer in a heartfelt manner. Express your thoughts and intentions passionately. Romance is favoured.


Get your story straight and your facts in order before you debate with someone persistent and persuasive. Protect your reputation and position by sticking to the truth and using intellect and demonstration to make your point. Prepare to fight for what you want. If you ask, someone will step up in your defense. A private discussion will be helpful to win favours and to persuade others to see things your way. Romance is in the stars. Know where you stand, and position yourself accordingly.


Keep your eyes open and you will be privy to information that assists you in a beneficial lifestyle change. Consider what you care about and make that your target to pursue as you move forward. Put your heart and soul into life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Refuse to let an emotional incident cause a stir at home. Be brave and set the record straight to avoid controversy. Control your emotions and make your way to the forefront of whatever unfolds. Your passionate approach to life will win favours. Align yourself with like-minded people, and you will prevail.


Shared expenses are problematic in the short term. Enforce guidelines before you enter an agreement. Consider your options and, if you can go it alone, how best to make that happen. Be honest, willing to lower expectations and eager to work hard on your behalf. Learn from experience and you will come out on top. Put your plan in motion and follow through. Trust your ability and discipline to help you live up to your expectations. Celebrate your accomplishment with someone you love. Refuse to let a friend or colleague undermine you emotionally. Charm will get you much further than discord.


Iron out any problems before they have a chance to fester. Keeping the peace will allow you more time to work on creative projects and personal growth. Refuse to let anyone stifle what you want to pursue. If someone stands in your way, perhaps they shouldn’t be in your life. Figure out the best way to handle an emotional matter. Touchy situations can spin out of control if you aren’t willing to compromise to get what’s important to you. Consider the consequences if you neglect to see both sides of a situation. Speak up and negotiate a fair deal.


Trust in your ability to find the truth. Refuse to let anyone interfere in situations that affect your relationship with a friend, relative or lover. Put pressure where pressure is due, and do whatever works best for you. Emotions will flare up if someone isn’t being fair. Map out what you want to do, and give others the freedom to do as they please. Look inward and consider what you can do to improve your look, feel and what you do to earn your keep. Look at every angle before you act. It’s important to know what you are up against and what it will cost.


Before you initiate changes at home find out if anyone will oppose what you want to do. The suggestions you receive will be beneficial in helping you keep the peace. Let your experience help you choose your words wisely and your patience encourage others to see things your way. Pay attention to what’s going on at work or with your peers. You’ll receive mixed messages that will require deciphering before you can proceed. Don’t make costly changes. You’ll get the green light if you share your plans with someone special. Romance is encouraged.


Be a good listener and you’ll find out information that will help you make better decisions. You’ll discover how little in common you have with someone, and it will help you embrace what you want to do instead of following someone’s lead. Put your muscle into something that has meaning and is beneficial to you. Make changes at home that encourage you to pursue something that interests you. Put in the labour necessary to make your life easier. You can have fun without going overboard. Don’t let someone who is indulgent tempt you. Say no and do something that promotes a healthy lifestyle.


Adjust to a lifestyle that fits your budget and encourages you to follow your dream. Consider what you have to offer and how you can mix the old with the new to develop a feasible plan to excel using your experience, skills and knowledge in a fashion that suits current trends. Don’t expect everyone to be on your side or to be a positive influence. Play down exaggerated situations, and control emotions to ensure you don’t send the wrong message. Explore your options and you’ll come up with a fun plan that will promote new friendships. Do something you enjoy.
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