Discover more at Fanshawe's main campus

From secret study spots to popular activity zones, Fanshawe’s main campus is so big that not many people think to explore it fully. I remember in 2018 when I first enrolled in the fashion design program, I only focused on learning the building where my classes were located. So when I switched to general arts and science, the campus became a whole new world for me.
When it came time for me to study for tests and exams, I would go to this seating area on the second floor of B Building that not many people knew existed, so it was always a peaceful place to study. Another nice area to study is on the second floor of D building, in an area that is by the nursing rooms. Here, there are even places to charge your computer.
Now there are a few places around campus that I personally think need a little more attention than they receive. For Indigenous students, there is the Institute of Indigenous Learning, which provides academic support as well as social, cultural and recreational activities for First Nations students. The space is a great place to meet new people and also just the perfect, quiet spot to work. The Institute for Indigenous Learning is located in A Building, in room 1046.
Another place to check out on campus is The Biz Booth and The Gamesroom. The Biz Booth is a place where students can go and get tickets for Fanshawe Student Union (FSU) events and trips, as well as cheap movie tickets and more. Right next to the Biz Booth is The Gamesroom, which has seven pool tables, all available to play for a relatively cheap rate; just $2.50 for half an hour and $4 for an hour.
There is also a climbing wall at Fanshawe which has not been operating during the pandemic but is worth checking out once it opens again. The rock wall provides an opportunity for you to get active and to unwind from all your studying.
I know when I first came to Fanshawe, I was completely unaware that there were study lounges I could book out. Due to COVID-19, booking group study rooms is currently unavailable, however, individual study rooms are open for booking through the library now. When group booking returns, the rooms can be booked for two or more students in the Library Commons. I think these are honestly such a fun space for you and your friends to study without distractions, although you can only book them out for two hours a day. However, they are still a great place to go where you’re less likely to get distracted by things that might distract you in your dorm or bedroom.
For me, I found Fanshawe to be a much larger campus than my last school, with way more places to see. I know the transition to college can be a nerve-wracking time, but honestly, I just wish I knew more about the campus then. Now, going into my final year here, I am grateful to have learned more about the resources and places to check out around campus.
Being able to have these places makes the transition to college feel a lot smoother, knowing that there are places and resources available for everyone no matter what their needs are. Having these places and resources available can also help you build connections and friendships.
With a big campus like Fanshawe, I recommend getting to know the space and exploring some of the places and resources Fanshawe has to offer.