
Look for a healthy way to use pent-up energy these next few weeks. Overthinking a situation will lead to trouble. Take your time; observation will help you realize what’s possible. Gather facts, and substantiate the best way to bring about change without causing upset. A partnership will need an adjustment before you can move forward with your plans. Emotions will swell if you try to make changes without sufficient preparation.


The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are.

Engage in a conversation with someone who has helped you or provided clarity. The information you gather will help you deal with a positive life adjustment. Take a unique approach to a situation that can affect your status. It’s best not to prejudge someone based on what others say. Be resourceful, and offer a solution that will benefit everyone. Anger will mount if you let someone interfere with your schedule.


Make wise decisions. Be less eager to please someone who doesn’t appreciate you, and pour your energy into something that will benefit you. A suggestion someone makes may not be feasible or in your best interest. Consider what’s best for you. Keep your emotions out of the equation, and you’ll avoid a manipulative encounter. You’ll see situations clearly. Take the high road, and resolve issues using intelligence, not ultimatums.


You’ll feel compelled to accept an invitation that poses a danger to your health that you should pass on. Your input will draw favourable attention from someone who can influence your future. A unique offer will be hard to resist. You may not like change, but don’t deny yourself a better lot. Run your plans by anyone who will be affected by the decisions you make before signing a contract.


You’ll face opposition if you get into emotional discussions with someone you need on your side. Take a step back and rethink how best to keep the peace. Compromise will be necessary. Focus on opportunities instead of trying to do something unrealistic. Know your limits, and use your skills wisely. Don’t waste your time, effort or energy arguing with someone who will never see things your way.


Make arrangements with someone you love. Discussing plans will ensure that you are heading in the same direction. A lifestyle change is encouraged. You’ll receive unexpected feedback that will help you decide what you want to do with your life. When opportunity knocks, don’t hesitate to open the door. A joint money matter will leave you worried. Before you agree to something, look at the consequences.


Take it easy. It’s time to rejuvenate and contemplate what you want to do next. You have more options than you realize. Follow the path that leads you to a better and happier life. Don’t be too trusting. Listen to what’s being offered, and don’t agree to anything that jeopardizes your professional future. You have plenty of energy, but if you don’t channel it wisely, you will likely end up in an emotional situation that can disrupt your home and a close relationship.


Good things come to those who wait. Bide your time and position yourself for a brighter future. It’s important to be ready when the right opportunity comes your way. You’ll get a different point of view from someone you admire. Seeing a situation from a different perspective will give you the courage to prepare for the future. You’ll face some uncertainty.


Check in with a friend or relative you haven’t talked to lately, and you’ll receive emotional support regarding a personal problem that’s weighing you down. A couple of changes at home will make life easier and possibly more affordable if you do the work yourself. An online video will help you more than someone who assumes to know more than you. A home improvement you make will make it easier for you to start a small business on the side.


Pay close attention to your expenditures. How you handle your cash and the people who depend on you will determine your emotional and financial stability. Refuse to let someone from your past interfere in your personal life. A sticky situation will develop if you get involved in someone’s business. Be a good listener, but don’t offer advice when you only have one side of the story.


Stick to what and who you know and trust and you’ll avoid a manipulative situation that’s not in your best interest. It’s OK to want to please others, but don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Do something creative and you’ll find a way to turn it into a lucrative pastime. Follow your heart, and do what brings you joy. The more you put into something you enjoy doing the more you will get in return.


Check out your options and make a decision based on who is involved in what you are trying to pursue. Align yourself with like-minded people who will contribute as much creatively and financially as you. A suggestion you offer to a cause you support will be taken seriously. Greater involvement will bring you in virtual contact with someone who will influence your future. Expect to face interference.
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