No vacation this reading week? No problem!

Seeing everyone's vacation pics might be tough, but staying home for reading week can be pretty beneficial.
Despite its name, reading week is seldom used for any actual reading.
Most of my friends are spending the week cozied up at their parents’ houses or better yet, jetting off to a tropical oasis for a week of sunshine and relaxation. While I won’t deny that a vacation would do me pretty good right now, the truth is that staying around campus over reading week is actually kind of magical.
For one thing, it’s called reading week for a reason, and having some quiet time to get ahead on assignments is truly a gift. If you’ve ever visited Fanshawe during the summer or over Christmas break, you know how deserted it becomes during holidays, and reading week is no different. Come by on a weekday and revel in the silence while you get a little extra studying in. It may not be a pina colada by the beach, but setting yourself up for success is going to feel awesome come March, when assignments really start piling up.
Also, if you’re anything like me, and aren’t a big fan of an audience at the gym, reading week also offers a great opportunity to get some alone time in at Fanshawe’s Wellness Centre. Exercise classes are still happening, too, so you won’t miss out on a good spin or yoga lesson. The lack of people in attendance puts me at ease and lets me push myself a little more than I might if I was surrounded by other gym-goers. Plus, you pretty much always get first dibs on any machine you want.
It can be hard to think about self-care when you’re cooped up in frigid London, Ont., alone in an apartment, maybe far from home. But sometimes being in a setting like that is exactly what I need to recentre myself and relax. Your student apartment may not always feel like home, but you deserve to be comfortable there!
The extra time off is great for cleaning and organizing your space. Having an apartment you feel at home in can also be a huge help come exam time, when all you want is a safe place to go during the year’s most stressful time.
A mid-term break might seem like a great opportunity to jump on a plane or visit home, but the truth is, staying put might be just what we need right now. Use this time to set yourself up for a solid second half of the semester. You can still relax and find comfort in staying right here at home, while laying a strong foundation for your work going forward.
So don’t feel jealous or sad when you see those Cancun photos on your Snapchat while you’re stuck here in London. There’s nothing wrong with staying put, and you may find an oasis here of your own.