Zodiac Stargazer Horoscope


Hone your skills, fix up your resume, explore your options and get ready to take on a new challenge. Personal improvements can be made that will give you a new lease on life. Consider a lifestyle change as the new year approaches. Where you’d like to reside and what you’d like to focus your time doing will dictate the type of community or environment you want to call home.


The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are. myfanshawe.ca/hereforyou

Take a serious look at family dynamics during the holiday season. Take note of what everyone is doing and saying, and it will be insightful when you want to make a suggestion. A physical change will improve your health and your appeal. Refuse to let an outsider disrupt your personal life. Emotional manipulation for the sake of money will leave you short of cash. Don’t donate to something you know little about.


Keep a level head, a calm outlook and a goal in mind. Observe partnerships, and consider what you can do to enhance your relationship with someone you love. Don’t believe everything you hear. If you act on an assumption, you will end up making a mistake. Go directly to the source and find out what happened. Partnerships need to be handled with care. Concentrate on financial and health issues. A joint venture will tempt you. Don’t take an unnecessary risk.


Take on tasks that encourage you to implement changes to the way you do things. Look for unique solutions, and share your ideas with people who are just as eager to make a difference. Sign up for a challenge that will require you to put your experience and intuition to work. What you come up with will leave a lasting impression on someone who will become instrumental in helping you get ahead.


You may have to step outside your comfort zone when dealing with sensitive issues. Listen to what’s being said, and do your best to compromise to keep the peace. Be open to networking opportunities that will give you different perspectives regarding some of the ideas and interests you have been mulling over. Check the cost involved before making a purchase that has the potential to have additional fees or hidden costs.


Speak up and be honest about the way you feel. Dealing with matters concerning family or friends will help you ward off a problem with someone who tends to be excessive. Emotions will rise to the surface during the holidays. An intervention can lead to a bright new start. Act responsibly, and you will come out on top. Take good care of your health and of those you love. Traveling, learning and exploring new avenues should be priorities.


Discuss the past if it will help you move forward. Making adjustments to the way you live, how you earn your living or the people you associate with will make a difference in the way you move forward. A positive attitude will encourage a brighter future. Share your plans with a friend or relative. The suggestions made and the help offered will make moving forward much more accessible. Learn from someone who has more experience.


Discuss what’s on your mind and you can resolve any issues that are sensitive or holding you back. Someone older or who has more experience will offer a noteworthy suggestion. Be careful who you trust. Someone will try to mislead you. Don’t forget what’s transpired in the past if you want to avoid making the same mistake twice. Let your intuition guide you, not someone who is trying to manipulate you.


Stick to the truth, question whatever appears to be fabricated and concentrate on personal improvements and moderation. Don’t buy into the hype, risky investments or purchases that promise the impossible. Emotional matters will surface if you get into a debate over religious or political beliefs. Keep your thoughts to yourself and work on personal growth, honesty and maintaining stability at work and home.


Don’t fight change, it’s going to happen sooner than later. Listen to what others have to say, and you’ll recognize the benefits that come with staying informed. Secrets will be revealed over the holidays. Pay attention. It’s best to be honest so that you can move forward without feeling stressed, guilty or being faced with opposition from someone trying to make you look bad.


Pay more attention to what you are doing and how best to use your time during the holidays. Don’t feel the need to make a move or decision because someone else does. Look at the big picture, and do what feels right to you. Update your resume and check out online job postings. Add skills that will help qualify you for a position of interest. Mull over the possibilities and you will discover a unique presentation that will impress someone who can influence your future.


Mix and mingle over the holidays. The information you gather will be valuable when it comes to money matters, as well as how best to help others. Look at the possibilities, and don’t hesitate to make a move. Someone will play emotional mind games with you if you mix business with pleasure. Don’t let compliments lead to taking on responsibilities that don’t belong to you.