Building a multicultural community

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: NICK LAVERY, CISV
CISV is an international organization that fosters relationships between people from different cultures.

Today’s communities are continuing to become more and more diverse. Our neighbours, our classmates, and our work acquaintances bring to our lives an exciting and eclectic collection of cultures and traditions. As a result of this, it has been become increasingly important for all of us to better understand and appreciate one another.

And what great things we are doing to share our cultures and promote harmony across cultures! Several organisations within our communities are taking great steps in promoting cultural awareness and acceptance; some help in equipping children and youth with the skills and knowledge needed not only to be compassionate towards each other but also to want to contribute to making the world a better place. CISV International is one organization that does just this!

CISV is a youth education organization that helps youth learn about diverse cultures and issues faced by those cultures, giving them the opportunity to make friends with people from different cultures and backgrounds while learning the skills necessary to become an active, global citizen.

The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Supoort comes in many forms. Experience flexible services that support you where you are.

Each year, the various CISV branches of various cities are invited to travel to different countries to participate in international camps that help inspire people to work towards a more just and peaceful world. Groups from several countries gather together in the host country to participate in many different activities that are both exciting and engaging; this provides an opportunity for those involved to grow and learn. Volunteers take their designated groups on these trips, and, together, they travel to different areas of the world where they begin to learn about important world issues through activities and time spent together.

These activities target some core educational areas that are important to CISV: conflict resolution, diversity, human rights, and sustainable development. By participating in these various activities, the youth learn about challenges that are being faced by others around the world, enabling them to become more empathetic and understanding of the importance of having a peaceful and just world.

The relationships that are made are lifelong and life-changing; people from all around the world are connected and form lasting relationships with each other through CISV. Sharing experiences and culture along the way, members come to understand and appreciate one another’s differences.

CISV is a volunteer-run organization: from the planning and execution of activities, to even the creation of content for social media. All volunteer effort! It’s amazing to see what the contribution that people make in their free time can achieve. The volunteers and participants plan and execute all the activities and camp details; as a result, they build valuable leadership, organization, communication, and interpersonal skills, to list a few, while partaking in an unforgettable experience.

CISV provides an amazing opportunity for those who want to give back to their communities and learn about each other while also having the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world. The world can always use a little more kindness and empathy.

CISV is always looking for volunteers who love to travel and work with youth! To learn more about all the amazing opportunities available, you can contact CISV through their website: