Etiquette at the gym
Having the motivation to get yourself to the gym can be tough sometimes, but exercise is something that can benefit you in a number of ways. Regardless of what gym you go to there will always be certain people that get on your nerves without even realizing it. If no one bothers you at the gym, there is a good chance that maybe you are the annoying one. There are certain unspoken rules at the gym that people should follow to make it a happier place for everyone.
We live in a world of social media and people feeling the need to put everything on Instagram. Your progress is great and all, but it really is not necessary to get your friend to take numerous photos of you so the world can see that you work out. People do not really care about your #gains and there is no reason that you need to have a personal account and a fitness account, unless you are a certified personal trainer. It is great that you are proud of your body and your fitness accomplishments, but these daily posts generally just lead to an eye roll and an unfollow.
A bizarre phenomenon at the gym is the amount of sound some people make. Of course breathing heavy and a few coughs after half an hour on the treadmill is normal, but the random grunts and moans after each bicep curl is not. All the power to you for being able to lift heavy weights, but I am not sure it warrants yelling every time you lift or slamming the weights on the ground. If you are planning to listen to your own music at the gym, please do so with headphones. Most gyms have music playing for people to listen to so people do not need to listen to yours. What pumps you up may not have the same effect on the 50 year old woman beside you.
A trend that I often see at the gym is people who loiter on the machines and use the gym as a place for socializing. It may be nice to go to the gym with your BFF, but if you are planning on just sitting there talking the whole time at least do not take up a machine or an exercise mat that people are probably waiting for. No one really cares what Stacy did at the bar on the weekend or how far behind you are in your classes so if you want to have these conversations keep it down and get out of the way.
Another thing to avoid doing at the gym is trying to be a personal trainer to people who do not want it. If someone asks you for workout advice or a spotter that is fine. However, if someone is trying to have a peaceful workout by themselves do not be the egomaniac who interrupts them and tells them they are doing it wrong. There are paid employees at most gyms that are there to help people so a random civilian like you does not need to walk in and pretend you are Jillian Michaels.
The gym is a public place and it is important that when you go to the gym you make your best effort to help keep it clean. There are a number of rules that most gyms have to keep the facility clean that you should follow. When you are done with a machine wipe it down to make sure it is sanitized. When you are getting dressed for the gym make sure you are wearing a full shirt to prevent your sweat from getting all over everything. Make sure you have running shoes that are used only indoors to avoid tracking dirt all over the floors and machines. These simple steps make the gym a healthier and cleaner place for everyone.