Alcohol Awareness Quiz


1. Alcohol is a mood-altering stimulant.

2. Drinking coffee or taking a cold shower will sober you up.

3. The affects that alcohol has on the body vary according to the individual.

4. The most serious consequence of consuming alcohol is a hangover in the morning.

5. Blood alcohol charts are a safe and accurate means of determining how much alcohol is circulating in your blood stream.

6. If an intoxicated person is semiconscious, you should encourage vomiting.

7. Women respond to alcohol differently than men do.

8. Alcohol increases your sexual drive and ability.

9. It is okay to put your drunk, passed out friend to bed and go back to the party.


1. FALSE - Alcohol is a mood-altering drug that depresses bodily functions.

2. FALSE - Nothing but time will sober a drunk.

3. TRUE - The affect that alcohol has on you is dependant on your sex, your weight, how fast you metabolize alcohol, the situation, your mood, and presence of food in the stomach. If you are a woman, the affects also depend on the time of your menstrual cycle and if you are on the birth control pill.

4. FALSE - The consumption of enough alcohol will cause death. This level is dependant on the individual.

5. FALSE - Often these charts only take into account your weight and the number of drinks that you have drank. These charts can be used as a guideline, but there are no guarantees to their validity in regards to you.

6. FALSE - Encouraging the semiconscious person to vomit could cause choking and/or aspiration.

7. TRUE - Women respond more quickly to alcohol due to their smaller body size and body fat distribution, a decreased amount of alcohol metabolizing enzyme, and increased hormonal changes.

8. TRUE AND FALSE - Alcohol decreases your inhibitions, which factor into an increased sexual drive. However, alcohol decreases sexual functioning and is linked to the reduction of the male hormone testosterone.

9. FALSE - NEVER LEAVE AN INTOXICATED PERSON ALONE. Stay with the person and frequently assess them for alcohol poisoning. Source: Radford University, Virginia