Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: ANDYKATZ / ISTOCK EDITORIAL / THINKSTOCK
Is there actually a chance Donald Trump could take the title of president 10 months from now? Right now it is between him and Ted Cruz to take lead of the Republican Party.

Donald Trump is a lot like Mr. T from The A Team. They’re both international icons, sport obnoxious hairstyles and are mostly around for comic relief. The scary thing is that one of them might get laughed all the way into the Oval Office.

Politics in the United States is an entirely different ballgame than in the Great White North. They’re actually not even in the same league. They might not even be playing the same sport.

On one hand is the Republican Party. In Canada, most of the Republican candidate’s statements would be met with so much outrage that they’d be forced to withdraw from the election. The Democrats on the other hand would be regarded as a strongly right leaning party comparable to the Progressive Conservatives.

The entire spectrum of politics in the United States is a mile to the right of that which we have here in Canada. As a result, there are policy positions held by the Republican Party which would border on hate-speech in our country. Whether it’s gun control, marriage equality or a woman’s right to choose, the Republican Party would prefer to plough ahead with their 20th century ideals.

Despite the radically right-wing policies of the Republican Party, Donald Trump is intent on taking a sledgehammer to the wall, which separates conservatism and fascism.

The world did a collective face-palm when Trump stated that he would stop any person of the Islamic faith from entering the country. His hatred of Islam certainly doesn’t stem from his own personal faith, as decades of tabloid coverage have revealed him to be a tyrannical narcissist.

At the risk of writing an article entirely about a haircut with a crummy individual hiding underneath, this is the ideal moment to remind people that he’s one of just four individuals who could take charge of a global superpower.

The only person standing between Trump and the Republican Party leadership is Senator Ted Cruz. Unlike Trump, Cruz is a reasonable individual who values equal rights, progressive taxation and a woman’s right to choose. Just kidding, he doesn’t support any of those things. Cruz has publically stated that marriage should be between a man and a woman and strongly opposes a higher tax on those with a larger income.

The Republican Party is a terrifying organization that seems to prefer the country preserve the proud legacy of the ’80s. One can only assume that a Republican’s stash of pornography consists almost entirely of Ronald Reagan headshots.

The ramifications of a Republican president, regardless of whom it may be, could be detrimental to the relationship between our two countries in light of Prime Minister Trudeau taking office.

There’s still 10 months before a new president will be chosen, but according to poll numbers it will come down to the wire. The candidates from each party will be chosen in July and it appears as though it will come down to Trump versus Cruz for the Republicans, and Hillary Clinton versus Bernie Sanders for the Democrats.

Trump is the poster boy for the American dream. Nowhere else in the world could the federal election come down to three candidates with 70 years of combined political experience, and one clown who has been surrounded by “yes men” his entire life.

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